Author: Lisa

Recipe: Whole Wheat Bread

I’ve been experimenting with whole wheat flour — white wheat, not red — and have happened across a technique for making light, fluffy dough. ~4 cups of flour, ~1 Tbsp yeast, ~1/2 cup of wheat gluten, ~1 tsp salt, ~1/4 c oil, ~1/4 c honey, and 2 Tbsp of lemon juice. Supposedly the healthy stuff in the whole wheat makes it difficult for gluten to form the long, stretchy chains that make bread light and bubbly. Lemon juice helps the gluten, and the resulting bread is less dense than a traditional whole wheat bread. I add enough water to make a soft dough, then leave the dough rise in a warm location (the house this time of year, or the oven with the light on). Gently deflate, form (either form a loaf or spread out a pizza crust), let rise again. Then bake however long that sort of loaf needs to bake. Using my pullman loaf pan, that’s 30-35 minutes.

It’s a great sandwich bread!


The CDC’s revised health guidance has a lot of people celebrating — taking off their masks and rejoicing. From a psychological standpoint, I get it. But, from a functional perspective? I don’t get the mask hatred. There’s some work we do outside (cleaning chicken coops, mowing grass, using a chainsaw) where it’s great not to inhale dust and pollen. Since we’ve got masks, we wear them. Even if SARS CoV-2 were completely eliminated from the solar system, I don’t want your cold. Or your flu. Or whatever other respiratory illness.

Before we had Anya, I thought I had an amazing immune system. I was rarely sick — like once every five or ten years. Since Anya started school — preschool, grade school — I’ve learned that I just didn’t have much exposure to pathogens. With a kid in school, everyone in the household was sick basically from November through April. I cannot believe vast swaths of the population spend half of the year sick! This past year, though? Not a sniffle (well, at least not a sniffle until pollen started blowing around in visibly yellow clouds). Why wouldn’t we continue to wear a mask and avoid the gamut of respiratory illnesses?!

Troubleshooting Kafka

Our server metrics are fed into a Kafka bus, and various applications are able to pick up and process this data. Problem is, however, that everything I’m sending doesn’t end up in the downstream system. The conflunce_kafka module I’m using in python reports that data is send along it’s merry way, but the primary system that is used to present metrics to end users says they’re not consistently getting data across the channel. Not never like there’s something outright wrong, but long periods of time where there’s no data followed by a cycle where data shows up.

I’ve exhausted all of the in-script debugging I can — the messages are getting there. But I wondered if the async nature of Kafka might mean that the client’s “it got there” wouldn’t actually mean something arrived. So I had to figure out how to test a Kafka server the same way I test my MQTT server — how do I use a quick command line program to send a message and how do I use a quick command line program to subscribe to various topics.

Turns out this is easier than anticipated — the binary build of Kafka includes windows batch files. Download the latest Kafka binary. Untar/unzip it somewhere. This is easy if you have the Win32 port of the GNU utilities and can just run “tar vxfz kafka_2.13-2.8.0.tgz”.

In the .\kafka<version>\bin\windows folder, there are kafka-console-consumer.bat and kafka-console-producer.bat files that can be used for testing Kafka. You can open two command prompts — one for the producer (sending data to Kafka) and one for the consumer (watching Kafka for new messages). In the consumer window, run

kafka-console-consumer.bat –bootstrap-server –topic Test

Then, in the producer, run

kafka-console-producer.bat –broker-list –topic Test

The producer will bring you to a “>” prompt where you can type some strings and hit enter to send the message to Kafka. You should see the messages pop into the consumer window.

To subscribe to multiple topics, use “–whitelist” followed by a pipe-bar delimited list of topics.

Oracle Collection Instead of Dual

I’m still retrofitting a bunch of SQL queries to use bind_by_name and came across a strange scenario. I created a recursive query (STARTS WITH / CONNECT BY PRIOR) but I needed to grab the original value too. The quickest way to accomplish this was to union in something like “select 12345CDE as equipment_id from dual”. But the only way to get a bunch of these original values grafted onto the result set is to iterate through the array once to build my :placeholder1, :placeholder2, …, placeholderN placeholders and then iterate through the array again to bind each placeholder to its proper value.

I’ve been working with Oracle collections for LIKE and IN queries, and thought I could use a table that only exists within the query to glom the entire array into a single placeholder. It works! A query like

select column_value equipment_id from TABLE(sys.ODCIVARCHAR2LIST('12345CDE', '23456BCD', '34567ABC') );

Adds each of the values to my result set.

Which means I can use a query like “select column_value as equipment_id from TABLE(:myIDs)” and bind the collection to :myIDs.

Alexa Dungeon Adventure – Lightsaber?

We managed to get a lightsaber in the Dungeon Adventure game. Scott said something like “try to smash the chest with the morningstar”, and a screen came up with the ‘do or do not, there is no try’ and said we had a new weapon. Checked the weapon list and, hey, there’s a super powerful weapon. Damage is 7d6 — so better than the super sword we were hoping to find somewhere in the dungeon.


I hate that Musk (and many other people) conflate a real condition with permission to be a jerk. You learned something about how your brain or biochemistry work and can use this information to relate better with others? Great! You learned something about how your brain or biochemistry work and take that as permission to mistreat people, defame them, etc? No good. I get PMS. It doesn’t mean I get to scream at people and verbally abuse them for a week every month.

If he had someone reading his tweets before publishing — to ensure he wasn’t, say, about to call a stranger a pedo — I’d be more accepting of the “I have Aspbergers” announcement because the announcement would have continued with “… and I understand that things I don’t consider offensive really bother people, so I’ve taken this concrete step to avoid inflicting harm on others in the future”. Similarly, considering yourself a visionary because you don’t care enough about others to think that their near certain death isn’t a big obstacle to colonizing Mars? I think that’s callousness.

Docker – List Container Startup Policies

A quick one-line Bash command to output all containers and the startup policy:

docker container ls -aq | xargs docker container inspect --format '{{ .Name }}: {{.HostConfig.RestartPolicy.Name}}'

For Docker on Windows, the following PowerShell command produces similar results:

$jsonData = docker container ls -aq |%{docker container inspect --format "{{json .}}"$_}
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$arrayContainerConfig = @()
foreach($jsonContainerConfig in $jsonData ){
	$psobjContainerConfig = ConvertFrom-JSON $jsonContainerConfig

$arrayContainerConfig | ForEach {[PSCustomObject]$_} | Format-Table -AutoSize

Oracle – Collections and IN or LIKE Queries

I’ve been retrofitting a lot of PHP/SQL queries to use oci_bind_by_name recently. When using “IN” clauses, you can iterate through your array twice, but it’s an inefficient approach.

// Build the query string with a bunch of placeholders
$strQuery = "select Col1, Col2, Col3 from TableName where ColName IN (";
for($i=0; $i < count($array); $i++){
    if($i > 0){
        $strQuery = $strQuery . ", ";
    $strQuery = $strQuery . ":bindvar" . $i;
$strQuery = $strQuery . ")";
// Then bind each placeholder to something
for($i=0; $i < count($array); $i++){
    oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":bindvar".$i, $array[$i]);

Building a table from the array data and using an Oracle collection object creates cleaner code and avoids a second iteration of the array:

$strQuery = "SELECT indexID, objName FROM table WHERE objName in (SELECT column_value FROM table(:myIds))";
$stmt = oci_parse($conn, $strQuery);

$coll = oci_new_collection($kpiprd_conn, 'ODCIVARCHAR2LIST','SYS');
foreach ($arrayValues as $strValue) {
oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ':myIds', $coll, -1, OCI_B_NTY);
oci_set_prefetch($stmt, 300);

A simple like clause is quite straight-forward

$strNameLikeString = "SomeName%";
$strQuery = "SELECT ds_dvrsty_set_nm from ds_dvrsty_set WHERE ds_dvrsty_set_nm LIKE :divsetnm ORDER BY ds_dvrsty_set_nm DESC fetch first 1 row only";

$stmt = oci_parse($connDB, $strQuery);
oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":divsetnm", $strNameLikeString);
oci_set_prefetch($stmt, 300);

But what about an array of inputs essentially reproducing the LIKE ANY predicate in PostgreSQL? There’s not a direct equivalent in Oracle, and iterating through the array twice to build out a query WHERE (Field1 LIKE ‘Thing1%’ OR Field1 LIKE ‘Thing2%’ OR Field1 LIKE ‘Thing3%’) is undesirable. The with EXISTS allows me to create a LIKE ANY type query and only iterate through my array once to bind variables to placeholders using the same collection approach as was used with the IN clause.

$arrayLocs = array('ERIEPAXE%', 'HNCKOHXA%', 'LTRKARXK%');
$strQuery = "SELECT location_id, clli_code FROM network_location WHERE EXISTS (select 1 FROM TABLE(:likelocs) WHERE clli_code LIKE column_value)";
$stmt = oci_parse($connDB, $strQuery);

$coll = oci_new_collection($connDB, 'ODCIVARCHAR2LIST','SYS');
foreach ($arrayLocs as $strLocation) {
oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ':likelocs', $coll, -1, OCI_B_NTY);
print "<table>\n";
print "<tr><th>Loc ID</th><th>CLLI</th></tr>\n";
while ($row = oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) {
    print "<tr><td>" . $row['LOCATION_ID'] . "</td><td>" . $row['CLLI_CODE'] . "</td></tr>\n";
print "</table>\n";

There are many different collection types in Oracle which can be used with oci_new_collection. A full list of the system collection types can be queried from the database.