Category: ADO

Chocolate Chip Cookies with Dark Cherries and Almond Flour

Anya made me birthday cookies! I wanted to save the recipe because they turned out really well.

  • 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup almond flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 cup maple syrup
  • 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 cup frozen dark cherries, roughly chopped
  1. Preheat your oven to 375°F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.
  2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the all-purpose flour, almond flour, baking soda, and salt. Set aside.
  3. In a large mixing bowl, beat the softened butter with the maple syrup until well mixed. The mixture will be looser than a typical creamed butter-sugar mixture due to the syrup.
  4. Mix in the Greek yogurt until smooth. Beat in the eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition.
  5. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, mixing until just combined. The dough will be a bit softer due to the syrup and yogurt.
  6. Gently fold in the chocolate chips and frozen dark cherries until evenly distributed throughout the dough.
  7. Drop rounded tablespoons of dough onto the prepared baking sheets, leaving about 2 inches between each cookie to allow for spreading.
  8. Bake the cookies in the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes, or until the edges are golden brown and the centers are set but still soft. If you made really big cookies, this may be more like 20 minutes!
  9. Allow the cookies to cool on the baking sheet for about 5 minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.

Azure DevOps Pipeline Error – Veracode Scan Fails

Pipeline Error:

Build Failed: Error: Exiting Veracode Upload and Scan Task: App not in state where new builds are allowed.

Resolution: There’s a scan in Veracode that never completed. Log into the web UI and delete it!

View the scans in the sandbox. Select the one that says “Request Incomplete”

Use the ellipsis button to select “Delete Request”

Confirm deletion.

Voila – now you can re-run the pipeline and the scan will proceed.

Using Templates in Azure Build Pipelines

I inherited a Java application that is actually five applications — and the build pipeline had a lot of repetition. Tell maven to use this POM file, now use that one, and now the other one. It wasn’t great, but it got even more cumbersome when I needed to split the production and development builds to use a different pool (network rule: prod and dev servers may not communicate … so the dev agent talks to the dev image repo which is used by the dev deployment. The prod agent talks to the prod image repo which is used by the prod deployment). Instead of having five “hey, maven, do this build” blocks, I now have ten.

So I created a template for the build step — jdk-path and maven-path are pipeline variables. The rest is the Maven build task with parameters to supply the step display name, pom file to use, and environment flag.

Maven Build Template:

# maven-build-step.yml
  - name: pomFile
    type: string
  - name: dockerEnv
    type: string
  - name: displayName
    type: string

  - task: Maven@3
    displayName: '${{ parameters.displayName }}'
      mavenPomFile: '${{ parameters.pomFile }}'
      mavenOptions: '-Xmx3072m'
      javaHomeOption: 'Path'
      jdkDirectory: $(jdk-path)
      mavenVersionOption: 'Path'
      mavenDirectory: $(maven-path)
      mavenSetM2Home: true
      jdkArchitectureOption: 'x64'
      publishJUnitResults: true
      testResultsFiles: '**/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'
      goals: 'package -Denv=${{ parameters.dockerEnv }} jib:build'

Then my build pipeline uses the template and supplies a few parameters


# azure-pipelines.yml
trigger: none

  appName: 'NPM'

  - stage: Build
      - job: NonProdBuild
        condition: ne(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'production')
        displayName: 'Build non-production branch'
          DockerFlag: 'docker_dev'
          name: 'Engineering NPM'
          - template: maven-build-template.yml
              pomFile: 'JAVA/KafkaStreamsApp/npm/pom.xml'
              dockerEnv: $(DockerFlag)
              displayName: 'Building Kafka Streams App'

          - template: maven-build-template.yml
              pomFile: 'JAVA/DataSync/npmInfo/pom.xml'
              dockerEnv: $(DockerFlag)
              displayName: 'Building Data Sync App'

          - template: maven-build-template.yml
              pomFile: 'JAVA/GroupingRules/pom.xml'
              dockerEnv: $(DockerFlag)
              displayName: 'Building Grouping Rules App'

          - template: maven-build-template.yml
              pomFile: 'JAVA/Errorhandler/pom.xml'
              dockerEnv: $(DockerFlag)
              displayName: 'Building Error Handler App'

          - template: maven-build-template.yml
              pomFile: 'JAVA/Events/pom.xml'
              dockerEnv: $(DockerFlag)
              displayName: 'Building Events App'

      - job: ProdBuild
        condition: eq(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'production')
        displayName: 'Build production branch'
          DockerFlag: 'docker_prod'
          name: 'Engineering NPM Prod'
          - template: maven-build-template.yml
              pomFile: 'JAVA/KafkaStreamsApp/npm/pom.xml'
              dockerEnv: $(DockerFlag)
              displayName: 'Building Kafka Streams App'

          - template: maven-build-template.yml
              pomFile: 'JAVA/DataSync/npmInfo/pom.xml'
              dockerEnv: $(DockerFlag)
              displayName: 'Building Data Sync App'

          - template: maven-build-template.yml
              pomFile: 'JAVA/GroupingRules/pom.xml'
              dockerEnv: $(DockerFlag)
              displayName: 'Building Grouping Rules App'

          - template: maven-build-template.yml
              pomFile: 'JAVA/Errorhandler/pom.xml'
              dockerEnv: $(DockerFlag)
              displayName: 'Building Error Handler App'

          - template: maven-build-template.yml
              pomFile: 'JAVA/Events/pom.xml'
              dockerEnv: $(DockerFlag)
              displayName: 'Building Events App'

I think this could be made more concise … but it will do for now!

Azure DevOps Maven Feed — Deleted Package

Someone deleted one of the packages from the Azure DevOps Maven feed … figured it would be easy enough to just re-publish the package. And they got an error:

409 Conflict – The version 1.2.3 of has been deleted. It cannot be restored or pushed. (DevOps Activity ID: E7E4DEB1551D) -> [Help 1]

There’s some not-outlandish logic behind it because they don’t want half of the people to have this version 1.2.3 and the other half to get that version 1.2.3 … if it’s your code, just make it version 1.2.4. Unfortunately, this logic doesn’t hold up well when you’re publishing someone else’s package. Not like I can say “oops, we’ll use 23.13 now”. But you can restore deleted packages — from the feed, go into the recycle bin

Check off the packages that were deleted in error & restore them


Creating an Azure DevOps Work Item From a Teams Message

You can use Power Automate to create an ADO work item (bug, user story, etc) when a user posts into specific Teams channel.

Log into Power Automate and create a new workflow. Find a Teams trigger that suits your need – in my case, I wanted to use a key word (you could even use different key words to create work items in different projects or with different content). Note that automation cycles accrue based on execution — so if you elect to link up to a busy Teams channel and filter for keywords to indicate you want an ADO item created, you may be “wasting” workflow cycles. In our case, I have a “user group” Teams space and set up a special channel where users can submit bug and feature requests. This means workflow cycles are accrued when someone specifically wishes to create an ADO item not when messages are posted into the user group’s general chat channels.

You can source messages from channels or group chats in the “Message type” selection. You cannot use hash-tags as key words! The workflow execution reports a gateway error. Select the Team and channel(s) that you want the workflow to monitor.

Add a new step to “create a work item” from Azure DevOps

Configure the project into which you want to create the work item – the organization and project name, the type of work item, and content of the work item.

If you want to set priority, add an assignment, etc – click on “Show advanced options”. I added a few fields to provide a clue as to where the bug report came from.

Save the workflow and post a message in your channel with the key word. Go into the ADO project work items; your Teams-initiated bug should be there.


Using Git Submodules


Using Git Submodules

What Are Submodules?

Before You Start


Adding Submodules

Performing Operations on All Submodules

Cloning a Repository That Contains Submodules

Making Changes to a Submodule

Pulling Changes Made to Submodules

Including Submodules in ADO Pipelines

Git Submodule Quick Reference Guide

What Are Submodules?

A submodule is a link – it is a pointer at a specific path in the parent repository’s directory structure that references a specific commit in another git repository. The actual git repository is no different than any other repository – what makes it a ‘submodule’ is someone using it inside a parent repository. If I create a really cool PHP function – an Excel parsing utility – I can publish it to a git repository to share it. This repository is not a submodule for me. Someone who wants to use my utility may add my repository as a submodule in their code repo. In their repo, my repository that houses the Excel parsing utility is a submodule. You cannot tell, by looking at a repository, if it is included elsewhere as a submodule.

The example provided above – one individual looking to include someone else’s code in their project – is the typical use case for submodules. But there are other scenarios where isolating different parts of code make sense. In our organization, we cannot deploy code until it passes a security scan. This means problems in one section of the code can hold up development on everything else. Additionally, our code scanning is charged per repository. While we may have a dozen independent tools that happen to reside in a parent folder, it is not cost effective to have dozens of repositories being scanned. Using submodules will allow us to roll up independent tools into a single scanned repository.

The parent repository does not actually track the changes in a submodule. Instead, the parent contains a pointer to a commit identifier in the submodule repository. All changes in the submodule are tracked in its repository.

Before You Start

Before working with submodules, ensure you have an up to date version of git. If, as you interact with remote repositories, you see an error indicating you are using an older version of git:

You are apt to see fatal errors like this:


You can have submodules inside of submodules inside of submodules – because of this, most command that interact with submodules have a –recursive flag that will recursively apply the command to any submodules contained within submodules within the parent repository.

Adding Submodules

Begin with a git repository that will serve as the parent – in this example, I am starting with a blank repo that only contains a .gitignore and a file, but you can start with a repository that’s been under development for years.

We link in submodules using “git submodule add” followed by the repo URL. If you want the folder to have a different name, use “git submodule add URLHERE folderNameForSubmodule”

Once the Tool1 submodule has been added, files from Tool1 are on disk.

Check out a branch in the submodule, or use “git submodule foreach” to check each submodule out to the desired branch (main in this case)

If you use git diff with the –submodule switch, you can see that “Tool1” is being tracked as a submodule.

Add and commit the change – since this is both an entry in the .gitmodules file and the submodule reference to a commit hash, I am using “git add *”

Then push the changes to ADO

Looking in ADO, you will see each submodule folder is represented as a file. The file contents is the hash of the commit to which the submodule points.

Because the “folder” is reflected as a file in the repository, it will not sort with the other folders. You’ll need to look in the file listing to find the submodule file.

Performing Operations on All Submodules

The “git submodule foreach” command allows you to run commands on each submodule in a repository.

You can run any git command in this fromeach loop – as an example, I will checkout a specific branch in all submodules using

git submodule foreach –recursive git checkout main

Cloning a Repository That Contains Submodules

Cloning with –recurse-submodules flag

When cloning a repository with submodules, add –recurse-submodules to your git clone command to pull all of the submodules. To clone my ParentRepo, I use:

git clone –recurse-submodules

You will see that git checks out the parent project and all included submodules.

Use “git submodule foreach –recursive git checkout main” to check each submodule out to the desired branch (in this case, main).

Cloning without –recurse-submodules

If you forget to include –recurse-submodules in your clone command, or if the submodules have been added to a repository that you have already cloned, you will have empty folders instead of each submodule’s files. A parent repository only has pointers to commits for submodules – until the submodules are initialized, those pointers go nowhere.

Use git submodule update –init –recursive to pull files from the registered submodules.

Making Changes to a Submodule

Working within a submodule’s folder will perform operations in the submodule’s git repository. Working in other folders will perform operations in the parent’s git repository.

To make a change to Tool3, I first need to change into the Tool3 directory.

Make whatever changes are needed. Then add the changes, create a commit, and push the commit to the submodule’s repository. You can create branches, merge branches, and such all within the submodule’s folder to interact with the submodule’s git repository.

If you look at the parent repository, you will see that no changes have been made to it – committing changes to a submodule repository will not kick off the pipeline code scan.

To update the parent repository to point the submodule to your most recent commit, you will need to commit the submodule folder in the parent folder. Change directory into the parent repo – add, commit, and push the changes.

And push the references to the remote using “git submodule update –recursive –remote”

This commit updates the contents of the file representing the repo’s folder – the folder’s file used to reference a commit ending in 6d95 and now it references a commit ending in 6292

Which you can see in the git log of the submodule repository:

Because we have made changes to the parent repository, the pipeline that initiates our code scanning should execute.

Pulling Changes Made to Submodules

To sync changes made by others (or that you’ve made in other locations), you will need to pull the submodules, you need to pull the submodule as well as the parent repo.

To pull (fetch and merge) changes from all upstream submodules, use:

git submodule update –recursive –remote –merge

Using “git submodule status” to view the submodules, you can see the submodule now points to the commit hash from the change we made

Including Submodules in ADO Pipelines

Veracode scanning is initiated through a pipeline. Since our goal is to include files from all of the submodules when scanning the parent repository, we need to ensure those files get bundled into the zip file that is submitted for scanning.

To do so, we need to add a checkout step to the pipeline and set “submodules” to ‘true’

When the submodules are all part of the same ADO project, you do not need to supply additional credentials in the pipeline. Where a different set of credentials are required, you can check out the submodule by passing an extra header with an authorization token.

Git Submodule Quick Reference Guide

Clone repo and all submodules:

git clone –recurse-submodules REPO_URL

cd RepoFolder

git submodule update –init –recursive

git submodule foreach –recursive git checkout main

Add a submodule to a repo:

git submodule add REPO_URL /path/to/folderForSubmodule

git submodule update –init –recursive

git submodule foreach –recursive git checkout main

git add .

git commit -m “Adding submodules”

git push

git submodule update –recursive –remote

Check Out a Branch in All Submodules

git submodule foreach –recursive git checkout main

Committing Change to a Submodule

cd .\submodule_folder

# Make some changes!

git add .

git commit –author=”Lisa Rushworth <>” -m “Commit Message”

git push

cd ..

git add submodule_folder

git commit -m “Updated submodule”

git push

Pull Updates into All Submodules:

git submodule update –recursive –remote –merge


Azure DevOps – Changing Work Item Type

I had to reorganize a lot of my work items in a way that required items not to be what they were. Fortunately, there’s a mechanism to change work item type. Within the work item, click on the ellipsis to access a menu of options. Select “Change type …”

Select the item type you want – I record the reason I needed the new type for posterity – then click “OK”. Save the work item and re-open it.

The one thing I’ve noticed is that fields that don’t exist on an item type (e.g. “effort” on “feature” items) are still present on the new item type even when that field does not normally display (e.g. “effort” on “user story” items).


Azure DevOps – Features, User Stories, and Story Points

I had wanted to classify my ADO work items as “features” (i.e. something someone asked to be added to an application), “bugs” (i.e. some intended functionality that was not working as designed). Bugs have a story point field, but features do not appear to have their own story point field. They, instead, are a roll-up of the story points of their subordinate user stories. Which makes sense except that I’ve now got to have two work items for every feature. Rolling up larger requests into sprint-sized work units is how we use epics. So I’ve instead found myself with user stories tagged with “features” that fall into epics (or don’t in the case of a small feature request).


Baked French Toast Casserole with Maple Syrup


  • 1 loaf French bread (~16 ounces)
  • 8 large eggs
  • 1.5 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 1.5 cups milk
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • Dash salt


Slice bread into 20 slices, 1-inch each. Arrange slices in a generously buttered 9 by 13-inch baking dish in 2 rows, overlapping the slices. In a large bowl, combine the eggs, half-and-half, milk, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt and beat with a rotary beater or whisk until blended but not too bubbly. Pour mixture over the bread slices, making sure all are covered evenly with the milk-egg mixture. Spoon some of the mixture in between the slices. Cover with foil and refrigerate overnight.

The next day, preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Bake for 40 minutes, until puffed and lightly golden. Serve with maple syrup, fresh fruit, and fresh whipped cream.