Category: Python

QR Code Generation

I put together a quick program that creates a “fancy” QR code to a specified URL with the specified color and drops the desired “logo” file into the center of the code.

import qrcode
from PIL import Image

def generate_qr_code_with_custom_color_and_logo():
    url = input("Please enter the URL for which you want to generate a QR code: ")

    rgb_input = input("Please enter the RGB values for the QR code color (e.g. 0,0,0 for black): ")
        rgb_color = tuple(map(int, rgb_input.split(',')))
        if len(rgb_color) != 3 or not all(0 <= n <= 255 for n in rgb_color):
            raise ValueError("Invalid RGB color value.")
    except Exception:
        print("Error parsing RGB values. Please make sure to enter three integers separated by commas.")

    qr = qrcode.QRCode(
        version=1,  # controls the size of the QR Code
        error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_H,  # high error correction for image insertion

    # Generate the QR code with the specified RGB color
    img = qr.make_image(fill_color=rgb_color, back_color="white")

    # Load the logo image
    logo_image_path = input("Please enter the logo for the center of this QR code: ")

        logo =
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print(f"Logo image file '{logo_image_path}' not found. Proceeding without a logo.")"qr_code_with_custom_color.png")
        print("QR code has been generated and saved as 'qr_code_with_custom_color.png'.")

    # Resize the logo image to fit in the QR code
    img_width, img_height = img.size
    logo_size = int(img_width * 0.2)  # The logo will take up 20% of the QR code width
    logo = logo.resize((logo_size, logo_size), Image.ANTIALIAS)

    position = ((img_width - logo_size) // 2, (img_height - logo_size) // 2)

    img.paste(logo, position, mask=logo.convert("RGBA"))"qr_code_with_custom_color_and_logo.png")

    print("QR code with a custom color and a logo image has been generated and saved as 'qr_code_with_custom_color_and_logo.png'.")

if __name__ == "__main__":


Python: Getting Active Directory Subnets

Like my script that pulls the AD site information – this lets me see what subnets are defined and which sites are assigned to those subnets. I was able to quickly confirm that the devices that had problems communicating with Active Directory don’t have a site defined. Way back in 2000, we created a “catch all” subnet and assigned it to the user authentication site. New networks on a whole different addressing scheme don’t have a site assignment. It should still work, but the application in question has historically had issues with going the “Ok, list ’em all” route.

from ldap3 import Server, Connection, ALL, SUBTREE, Tls
import ssl
import getpass

# Attempt to import USERNAME and PASSWORD from
    from config import USERNAME, PASSWORD
except ImportError:

# Define constants

def get_subnets_and_sites(username, password):
    # Set up TLS configuration
    tls_configuration = Tls(validate=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2)

    # Connect to the LDAP server
    server = Server(LDAP_SERVER, port=LDAP_PORT, use_ssl=True, tls=tls_configuration, get_info=ALL)
    connection = Connection(server, user=username, password=password, authentication='SIMPLE', auto_bind=True)

    # Define the search base for subnets
    search_base = 'CN=Subnets,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=example,DC=com'  # Change this to match your domain's DN
    search_filter = '(objectClass=subnet)'  # Filter to find all subnet objects
    search_attributes = ['cn', 'siteObject']  # Retrieve the common name and site object references

    # Perform the search, search_filter, SUBTREE, attributes=search_attributes)

    # Extract and return subnets and their site assignments
    subnets_sites = []
    for entry in connection.entries:
        subnet_name =
        site_dn = entry.siteObject.value if entry.siteObject else "No site assigned"
        subnets_sites.append((subnet_name, site_dn))

    return subnets_sites

def print_subnets_and_sites(subnets_sites):
    if subnets_sites:
        print("\nSubnets and their Site Assignments:")
        for subnet, site in subnets_sites:
            print(f"Subnet: {subnet}, Site: {site}")
        print("No subnets found in the domain.")

def main():
    # Prompt for username and password if not available in
    username = USERNAME if USERNAME else input("Enter your LDAP username: ")
    password = PASSWORD if PASSWORD else getpass.getpass("Enter your LDAP password: ")

    subnets_sites = get_subnets_and_sites(username, password)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Python: Get Active Directory Sites

One down side of not administering the Active Directory domain anymore is that I don’t have the quick GUI tools that show you how “stuff” is set up. Luckily, the sites are all reflected in AD objects that can be read by authenticated users:

from ldap3 import Server, Connection, ALL, SIMPLE, SUBTREE, Tls
import ssl
import getpass

# Attempt to import USERNAME and PASSWORD from
    from config import USERNAME, PASSWORD
except ImportError:

# Define constants

def get_all_sites(username, password):
    # Set up TLS configuration
    tls_configuration = Tls(validate=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2)

    # Connect to the LDAP server
    server = Server(LDAP_SERVER, port=LDAP_PORT, use_ssl=True, tls=tls_configuration, get_info=ALL)
    connection = Connection(server, user=username, password=password, authentication='SIMPLE', auto_bind=True)

    # Define the search base for sites
    search_base = 'CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=example,DC=com'  # Update to match your domain's DN structure
    search_filter = '(objectClass=site)'  # Filter to find all site objects
    search_attributes = ['cn']  # We only need the common name (cn) of the sites

    # Perform the search, search_filter, SUBTREE, attributes=search_attributes)

    # Extract and return site names
    site_names = [entry['cn'].value for entry in connection.entries]
    return site_names

def print_site_names(site_names):
    if site_names:
        print("\nAD Sites:")
        for site in site_names:
            print(f"- {site}")
        print("No sites found in the domain.")

def main():
    # Prompt for username and password if not available in
    username = USERNAME if USERNAME else input("Enter your LDAP username: ")
    password = PASSWORD if PASSWORD else getpass.getpass("Enter your LDAP password: ")

    site_names = get_all_sites(username, password)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Watching Redis Records for Strange Changes

I write a lot of things down to save myself time the next time I need to do the same sort of thing — and publish this to the Internet in case I can save someone else time too. But this one is so specific, I’m not sure it’s an “ever going to encounter this again” sort of thing. Just in case, though — I have device data being stored in redis — because the device doesn’t know its throughput values, you need the last time and last value paired with the current device metrics to calculate throughput. OK. But, sporadically, the cached data is updated insomuch as a new record is posted with a new timestamp. But the actual values, other than timestamp, remain unchanged. With millions of interfaces, it’s challenging to identify these situations by spot-checking the visualizations. Instead, I need to monitor redis and identify when the tstamp is updated but no other values change.

import redis
import time
import re
import json
import os

# Configuration
redis_host = ''
redis_port = 6379
redis_password = 'P@5sw0rDG03sH3r3'  # Replace with your Redis password
pattern = re.compile(r'INTERFACE_RAW_STATS_hostname\d\d\d\d_\d+_\d+')
output_file = 'changed_records.json'

# Connect to Redis
client = redis.StrictRedis(host=redis_host, port=redis_port, password=redis_password, decode_responses=True)

# Dictionary to track records
records = {}
matching_keys = []

def get_matching_keys():
    Retrieve keys from Redis matching the specified pattern.

        list: A list of keys that match the pattern.
    all_keys = client.keys()
    matching_keys = [key for key in all_keys if pattern.match(key)]
    return matching_keys

def process_keys():
    Process Redis keys to track changes in data.

    Retrieves keys matching the pattern, gets their data using HGETALL,
    and tracks changes. If only the 'tstamp' field has changed and all
    other fields remain the same, the record is written to a file.
    global records
    i = 0

    for key in matching_keys:
        i += 1
        data = client.hgetall(key)
        if i == 1 or i % 1000 == 0:
            print(f"Processed {i} records")

        if not data:

        collector_name = data.get('collectorName')
        node_id = data.get('nodeId')
        if_index = data.get('ifIndex')
        tstamp = data.get('tstamp')

        if not collector_name or not node_id or not if_index or not tstamp:

        unique_key = f"{collector_name}_{node_id}_{if_index}"

        if unique_key in records:
            previous_data = records[unique_key]
            if previous_data['tstamp'] != tstamp:
                # Check if all other values are the same
                if all(data[k] == previous_data[k] for k in data if k != 'tstamp'):
                    print(f"***** Record changed: {json.dumps(data, indent=2)} *****")
            records[unique_key] = data  # Update the record
            records[unique_key] = data

def write_to_file(data):
    Write the given data to a file.

        data (dict): The data to write to the file.
    with open(output_file, 'a') as file:
        file.write(json.dumps(data) + '\n')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Ensure the output file is empty at the start
    if os.path.exists(output_file):

    # Retrieve the list of matching keys once
    matching_keys = get_matching_keys()

    while True:
        print("Sleeping ... ")
        time.sleep(300)  # Sleep for 5 minutes

Migrating Redis Data

So, I know that Redis should be a data cache that can be repopulated … but we use it to calculate deltas (what was the value last time) … so repopulating the information makes the first half hour or so of calculations rather slow as the application tries redis, gets nothing, and fails back to a database query. Then we get a backlog of data to churn through, and it would just be better if the Redis cache hadn’t gone away in the first place. And if you own both servers and the files are in the same format, you could just copy the cache db from the old server to the new one. But … when you cannot just copy the file and you would really prefer the data not disappear and need to be repopulated … there’s a script for that! This python script reads all of the data from the “old” server and populates it into the “new” server.

import redis

def migrate_data(redis_source_host, redis_source_port, redis_source_db, redis_source_password,
                 redis_dest_host, redis_dest_port, redis_dest_db, redis_dest_password):
    # Connect to the source Redis server
    source_client = redis.StrictRedis(host=redis_source_host, port=redis_source_port, db=redis_source_db, password=redis_source_password)

    # Connect to the destination Redis server
    dest_client = redis.StrictRedis(host=redis_dest_host, port=redis_dest_port, db=redis_dest_db, password=redis_dest_password)

    # Fetch all keys from the source Redis
    keys = source_client.keys('*')

    for key in keys:
        # Get the type of the key
        key_type = source_client.type(key).decode('utf-8')

        if key_type == 'string':
            value = source_client.get(key)
            print("Setting string value in dest")
            dest_client.set(key, value)
        elif key_type == 'list':
            values = source_client.lrange(key, 0, -1)
            print("Setting list value in dest")
            dest_client.delete(key)  # Ensure the list is empty before pushing
            for value in values:
                dest_client.rpush(key, value)
        elif key_type == 'set':
            values = source_client.smembers(key)
            print("Setting set value in dest")
            dest_client.delete(key)  # Ensure the set is empty before pushing
            for value in values:
                dest_client.sadd(key, value)
        elif key_type == 'zset':
            values = source_client.zrange(key, 0, -1, withscores=True)
            print("Setting zset value in dest")
            dest_client.delete(key)  # Ensure the zset is empty before pushing
            for value, score in values:
                dest_client.zadd(key, {value: score})
        elif key_type == 'hash':
            values = source_client.hgetall(key)
            print("Setting hash value in dest")
            dest_client.delete(key)  # Ensure the hash is empty before pushing
            dest_client.hmset(key, values)

    print("Data migration completed.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Source Redis server details
    redis_source_host = ''
    redis_source_port = 6379
    redis_source_db = 0
    redis_source_password = 'SourceRedisPassword'

    # Destination Redis server details
    redis_dest_host = ''
    redis_dest_port = 6379
    redis_dest_db = 0
    redis_dest_password = 'DestRedisPassword'

    # Migrate data
    migrate_data(redis_source_host, redis_source_port, redis_source_db, redis_source_password,
                 redis_dest_host, redis_dest_port, redis_dest_db, redis_dest_password)

SNMP Simulator


As communication between development and production platforms is limited for security and data integrity reasons, this creates a challenge when testing changes in development: we cannot access “real world” data with which to perform tests. Having a limited set of data in development means testing may not illuminate issues that occur at high volume or on a large scale.


While limiting communication between the prod and dev systems is reasonable, it would be beneficial to be able to replay production-like data within our development systems for testing purposes. While it is not cost effective to buy large network devices with thousands of interfaces for testing, the Python module snmpsim provides “canned responses” that simulate real devise on the production network. For simplicity, I have a bash script that launches the SNMP responder.

server03:snmpsim # cat ../

#!/bin/bash –data-dir=/opt/snmp/snmpsim/data –cache-dir=/opt/snmp/snmpsim/cache –agent-udpv4-endpoint= –process-user=ljrsnmp –process-group=ljrsnmp

This responder will replay data stored in the directory /opt/snmp/snmpsim/data – any file ending in snmprec will be included in the response, and the filename prior to .snmprec is the community string to access the response data. E.G. public.snmprec is the data for the public community string

The response files are in the format OID|TAG|VALUE where OID is the OID number of the SNMP object, TAG is an integer defined at

Valid tag values and their corresponding ASN.1/SNMP types are:

ASN.1/SNMP TypeTag Value
Octet String4
Object Identifier6
IP Address64
Time Ticks67

And the value is the data to be returned for the OID object. As an example:|67|2293092270 is the sysUpTime, the data type is TimeTicks, and the system up time is 2293092270 hundredths of a second. Or 6375 hours, 20 minutes, and 24 seconds.

Items within the response file need to be listed in ascending order.

Generating Response Data

There are two methods for creating the data provided to an SNMP GET request. A response file can be created manually, populated with OID objects that should be included in the response as well as sample data. Alternatively, a network trace can be gathered from the production network and parsed to create the response file.

Manually Generated Response File

While you can literally type data into a response file, but it is far easier to use a script to generate sample data. /opt/snmp/snmpsim/ is an example of creating a response file for about 1,000 interfaces

from datetime import datetime
import random

iRangeMax = 1000

dictTags = {'Integer': '2', 'OctetString': '4', 'NULL': '5', 'ObjectIdentifier': '6', 'IPAddress': '64', 'Counter32': '65', 'Gauge32': '66', 'TimeTicks': '67', 'Opaque': '68','Counter64': '70'}  # Valid tags per

today =

iftable_snmp_objects = [
    ('', 'Integer', lambda i: i),  # ifIndex
    ('', 'OctetString', lambda i: f"SampleInterface{i}"),  # ifDescr
    ('', 'Integer', lambda i: 6),  # ifType
    ('', 'Integer', lambda i: 1500),  # ifMtu
    ('', 'Gauge32', lambda i: 100000000),  # ifSpeed
    ('', 'OctetString', lambda i: f"00:00:00:00:{format(i, '02x')[:2]}:{format(i, '02x')[-2:]}"),  # ifPhysAddress
    ('', 'Integer', lambda i: 1),  # ifAdminStatus
    ('', 'Integer', lambda i: 1),  # ifOperStatus
    ('', 'TimeTicks', lambda i: int(( - datetime(2024, random.randint(1, today.month), random.randint(1, * 100),  # ifLastChange
    ('', 'Counter32', lambda i: random.randint(3, i*50000)),  # ifInOctets
    ('', 'Counter32', lambda i: random.randint(3, i*50000)),  # ifInUcastPkts
    ('', 'Counter32', lambda i: random.randint(0, 80)),  # ifInNUcastPkts
    ('', 'Counter32', lambda i: random.randint(0, 80)),  # ifInDiscards
    ('', 'Counter32', lambda i: random.randint(0, 80)),  # ifInErrors
    ('', 'Counter32', lambda i: random.randint(3, i*50000)),  # ifInUnknownProtos
    ('', 'Counter32', lambda i: random.randint(3, i*50000)),  # ifOutOctets
    ('', 'Counter32', lambda i: random.randint(3, i*50000)),  # ifOutUcastPkts
    ('', 'Counter32', lambda i: random.randint(3, i*50000)),  # ifOutNUcastPkts
    ('', 'Counter32', lambda i: random.randint(0, 80)),  # ifOutDiscards
    ('', 'Counter32', lambda i: random.randint(0, 80)),  # ifOutErrors

ifxtable_snmp_objects = [
    ('', 'OctetString', lambda i: f"SampleInterface{i}"),  # ifName
    ('', 'Gauge32', lambda i: "100"),  # ifHighSpeed
    ('', 'Counter32', lambda i: random.randint(3, i*50000)),  # ifHCInOctets
    ('', 'Counter32', lambda i: random.randint(3, i*60000)),  # ifHCOutOctets

# Print IFTable data
for oid_base, tag_type, value_func in iftable_snmp_objects:
    for i in range(1, iRangeMax+1):
        value = value_func(i)

# IP-MIB objects for managing IP addressing
# ipAdEntAddr: The IP address to which this entry's addressing information pertains

# ipAdEntIfIndex: The index value which uniquely identifies the interface to which this entry is applicable

# ipAdEntNetMask: The subnet mask associated with the IP address of this entry

# hrSWRunIndex: An index uniquely identifying a row in the hrSWRun table

# hrSWRunName: The name of the software running on this device
# hrSWRunID: The product ID of the software running on this device

# hrSWRunPath: The path of the software running on this device

# hrSWRunParameters: Operational parameters for the software running on this device

# hrSWRunType: The type of software running (e.g., operating system, application)

# hrSWRunStatus: The status of this software (running, runnable, notRunnable, invalid)

for oid_base, tag_type, value_func in ifxtable_snmp_objects:
    for i in range(1, iRangeMax+1):
        value = value_func(i)

Network Capture

Even better, parse a network capture file.

Capture Data

On the server that gathers SNMP data from the host we want to simulate, use a network capture utility to gather the SNMP communication between the server and the desired device.

tcpdump -i <interface> -w <filename>.pcap

E.G. to record the communication with

tcpdump ‘host and (tcp port 161 or tcp port 162 or udp port 161 or udp port 162)’ -w /tmp/ar.pcap

Note – there Is no benefit to capturing more than one cycle of SNMP responses. If data is captured immediately, that means the devices were in the middle of a cycle. End the capture and start a new one shortly. There should be no packets captured for a bit, then packets during the SNMP polling cycle, and then another pause until the next cycle.

Parsing The Capture Data Into A Response File

The following script parses the capture file into an snmprec response file – note, I needed to use 2.6.0rc1 of scapy to parse SNMP data. The 2.5.0 release version failed to parse most of the packets which I believe is related to

from scapy.all import rdpcap, SNMP
from scapy.layers.inet import UDP
from scapy.packet import Raw
from scapy.layers.snmp import SNMP, SNMPvarbind, SNMPresponse, SNMPbulk
from scapy.all import conf, load_layer
from scapy.utils import hexdump

from scapy.all import UDP, load_contrib
from scapy.packet import bind_layers

import os
from datetime import datetime
import argparse

# Ensure Scapy's SNMP contributions are loaded

def sort_by_oid(listSNMPResponses):
    Sorts a list of "OID|TAG|Value" strings by the OID numerically and hierarchically.

    :param listSNMPResponses: A list of "OID|TAG|Value" strings.
    :return: A list of "OID|TAG|Value" strings sorted by OID.
    # Split each element into a tuple of (OID list, original string), converting OID to integers for proper comparison
    oid_tuples = [(list(map(int, element.split('|')[0].split('.'))), element) for element in listSNMPResponses]

    # Sort the list of tuples by the OID part (the list of integers)
    sorted_oid_tuples = sorted(oid_tuples, key=lambda x: x[0])

    # Extract the original strings from the sorted list of tuples
    sorted_listSNMPResponses = [element[1] for element in sorted_oid_tuples]

    return sorted_listSNMPResponses

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This script converts an SNMP packet capture into a snmpsim response file')
parser.add_argument('--filename', '-f', help='The capture file to process', required=True)

args = parser.parse_args()
strFullCaptureFilePath = args.filename
strCaptureFilePath, strCaptureFileName = os.path.split(strFullCaptureFilePath)

# Valid tags per
dictTags = {'ASN1_INTEGER': '2', 'ASN1_STRING': '4', 'ASN1_NULL': '5', 'ASN1_OID': '6', 'ASN1_IPADDRESS': '64', 'ASN1_COUNTER32': '65', 'ASN1_GAUGE32': '66', 'ASN1_TIME_TICKS': '67', 'Opaque': '68','ASN1_COUNTER64': '70'}

listSNMPResponses = []
i = 0

if True:
    packets = rdpcap(strFullCaptureFilePath)
    # Packets are zero indexed, so packet 1 in script is packet 2 in Wireshark GUI
    #for i in range(0,4):
    for packet in packets:
        print(f"Working on packet {i}")
        i = i + 1
        if SNMP in packet:
            snmp_layer = packet[SNMP]
            if isinstance(packet[SNMP].PDU,SNMPresponse):
                snmp_response = snmp_layer.getfield_and_val('PDU')[1]
                if hasattr(snmp_response, 'varbindlist') and snmp_response.varbindlist is not None:
                    for varbind in snmp_response.varbindlist:
                        strOID = varbind.oid.val if hasattr(varbind.oid, 'val') else str(varbind.oid)
                        strValue = varbind.value.val if hasattr(varbind.value, 'val') else str(varbind.value)
                        strType = type(varbind.value).__name__
                        if dictTags.get(strType):
                            iType = dictTags.get(strType)
                            iType = strType

                        if isinstance(strValue, bytes):
                            print(f"Decoding {strValue}")
                            strValue = strValue.decode('utf-8',errors='ignore')

                        print(f"OID: {strOID}, Type: {strType}, Tag: {iType}, Value: {strValue}")
                print(f"Not a response -- type is {type(packet[SNMP].PDU)}")
        elif Raw in packet:
            print(f"I have a raw packet at {i}")
            print(f"No SNMP or Raw in {i}: {packet}")

# Sort by OID numbers
listSortedSNMPResponses = sort_by_oid(listSNMPResponses)
f = open(f'/opt/snmp/snmpsim/data/{"%Y%m%d")}-{strCaptureFileName.rsplit(".", 1)[0]}.deactivated', "w")
for strSNMPResponse in listSortedSNMPResponses:

This will create an snmpsim response file at /opt/snmp/snmpsim/data named as the capture file prefixed with the current year, month, and date. I.E. My ar.cap file results are /opt/snmp/snmpsim/data/20240705-ar.deactivated – you can then copy the file to whatever community string you want – cp 20240705-ar.deactivated CommunityString.snmprec

Python Script: Alert for pending SAML IdP Certificate Expiry

I got a rather last minute notice from our security department that the SSL certificate used in the IdP partnership between my application and their identity provider would be expiring soon and did I want to renew it Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. Being that this was Friday afternoon … “none of the above” would have been my preference to avoid filing the “emergency change” paperwork, but Wednesday was the least bad of the three options. Of course, an emergency requires paperwork as to why you didn’t plan two weeks in advance. And how you’ll do better next time.

Sometimes that is a bit of a stretch — next time someone is working on the electrical system and drops a half-inch metal plate into the building wiring, I’m probably still going to have a problem when the power drops. But, in this case, there are two perfectly rational solutions. One, of course, would be that the people planning the certificate renewals start contacting partner applications more promptly. But that’s not within my purview. The thing I can do is watch the metadata on the identity provider and tell myself when the certificates will be expiring soon.

So I now have a little python script that has a list of all of our SAML-authenticated applications. It pulls the metadata from PingID, loads the X509 certificate, checks how far in the future the expiry date is. In my production version, anything < 30 days sends an e-mail alert. Next time, we can contact security ahead of time, find out when they’re planning on doing the renewal, and get the change request approved well in advance.

import requests
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from datetime import datetime, date

strIDPMetadataURLBase = ''
listSPIDs = ["", "", "", ""]

for strSPID in listSPIDs:
    objResults = requests.get(f"{strIDPMetadataURLBase}{strSPID}")
    if objResults.status_code == 200:
            root = ET.fromstring(objResults.text)

            for objX509Cert in root.findall("./{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata}IDPSSODescriptor/{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata}KeyDescriptor/{}KeyInfo/{}X509Data/{}X509Certificate"):
                strX509Cert = f"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n{objX509Cert.text}\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"

                cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(bytes(strX509Cert,'utf8'), default_backend())
                iDaysUntilExpiry = cert.not_valid_after -
            print(f"{strSPID}\tFailed to decode X509 Certficate")
        print(f"{strSPID}\tFailed to retrieve metadata XML")

Python: Listing XML tags

I was having a lot of trouble using find/findall when parsing an XML document — turns out the namespace prefixed the tag name … so I needed to find {}groupId instead of just groupId

How do you figure that out? Quickest way, for me, was just to print out all of the tag names.

from lxml import etree
# Load POM XML into tree
tree = etree.parse( strXMLFile )

# # List all element names in XML document
for element in tree.iter():

Python: Generate Transcript of Video File

There’s a speech_recognition module in Python that transcribes an audio file — since ffmpeg can convert a video file to mp3, that means you can also use Python to transcribe a video file.

# requires pocketsphinx from CMU if using sphinx for speech to text recognition
import os
import speech_recognition as sr
import ffmpeg

strFFMPEGBinaryLocation = 'c:/tmp/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe'
strCurrentDirectory = os.getcwd()

strInputVideo = "\"Z:/Path To/My Video/file.MP4\""
strOutputFileName = "converted.wav"
# Convert mp4 to wav file
strffmpeg_convert_mp4_to_wav = f'{strFFMPEGBinaryLocation} -i {strInputVideo} {strCurrentDirectory}/{strOutputFileName}'

# Run converted wav file through speech recognizer
r = sr.Recognizer()
audio = sr.AudioFile(f'{strCurrentDirectory}/{strOutputFileName}')

with audio as source:
	#audio = r.record(source, 90)				# Would need API key to process longer audio?
	#text = r.recognize_google(audio)
	audio = r.record(source)
	text = r.recognize_sphinx(audio)

Python Code — Creating Title Images

Instead of allowing YouTube to randomly pick a frame to use as the preview image, I have always made a title image for the Township meetings I post to YouTube. At first, this was a manual (and thus time consuming for a lot of videos). In the interim, I have created a script that generates the color gradient background and overlays text including the meeting type and date.

# Valid meeting types: "TrusteeRegular",  "TrusteeSpecial", "TrusteeEmer", "TrusteeHearing", "BZAReg", "BZAHearing", "ZCReg", "ZCHearing"
strMeetingListSpreadsheet = 'MeetingList.xlsx'

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import pandas as pd

BLACK= (0,0,0)
WHITE = (255,255,255)

TRUSTEE_COLOR_PALETTE = [(156,12,12), (92,7,7), (0,0,0)]
BZA_COLOR_PALETTE = [(253,139,1), (91,51,0), (0,0,0)]
ZC_COLOR_PALETTE = [(24,113,56), (8,41,20), (0,0,0)]
MISC_COLOR_PALETTE = [(175,28,195), (55,9,61), (0,0,0)]

objFontMeetingTitle = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/liberation-sans/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf",115)
objFontMeetingTopic = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/liberation-sans/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf",115)
objFontMeetingDate = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/liberation-sans/LiberationSans-Italic.ttf",95)

class Point(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x, self.y = x, y

class Rect(object):
    def __init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
        minx, maxx = (x1,x2) if x1 < x2 else (x2,x1)
        miny, maxy = (y1,y2) if y1 < y2 else (y2,y1)
        self.min = Point(minx, miny)
        self.max = Point(maxx, maxy)

    width  = property(lambda self: self.max.x - self.min.x)
    height = property(lambda self: self.max.y - self.min.y)

def gradient_color(minval, maxval, val, color_palette):
    """ Computes intermediate RGB color of a value in the range of minval
        to maxval (inclusive) based on a color_palette representing the range.
    max_index = len(color_palette)-1
    delta = maxval - minval
    if delta == 0:
        delta = 1
    v = float(val-minval) / delta * max_index
    i1, i2 = int(v), min(int(v)+1, max_index)
    (r1, g1, b1), (r2, g2, b2) = color_palette[i1], color_palette[i2]
    f = v - i1
    return int(r1 + f*(r2-r1)), int(g1 + f*(g2-g1)), int(b1 + f*(b2-b1))

def horz_gradient(draw, rect, color_func, color_palette):
    minval, maxval = 1, len(color_palette)
    delta = maxval - minval
    width = float(rect.width)  # Cache.
    for x in range(rect.min.x, rect.max.x+1):
        f = (x - rect.min.x) / width
        val = minval + f * delta
        color = color_func(minval, maxval, val, color_palette)
        draw.line([(x, rect.min.y), (x, rect.max.y)], fill=color)

def vert_gradient(draw, rect, color_func, color_palette):
    minval, maxval = 1, len(color_palette)
    delta = maxval - minval
    height = float(rect.height)  # Cache.
    for y in range(rect.min.y, rect.max.y+1):
        f = (y - rect.min.y) / height
        val = minval + f * delta
        color = color_func(minval, maxval, val, color_palette)
        draw.line([(rect.min.x, y), (rect.max.x, y)], fill=color)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    df = pd.read_excel(strMeetingListSpreadsheet, sheet_name="Sheet1")

    df = df.reset_index()  # make sure indexes pair with number of rows

    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        strGraphicName = f"{row['Date'].strftime('%Y%d%m')}-{row['Type']}.png"
        strMeetingType = row['Type']

        # Draw a three color horizontal gradient.
        region = Rect(0, 0, 1920, 1080)
        width, height = region.max.x+1, region.max.y+1
        image ="RGB", (width, height), BLACK)
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

        # Add meeting title
        if strMeetingType == "TrusteeRegular":
            horz_gradient(draw, region, gradient_color, TRUSTEE_COLOR_PALETTE)
            draw.text((1670, 525),"Trustee Regular Meeting",WHITE,font=objFontMeetingTopic, anchor="rm")
        elif strMeetingType == "TrusteeSpecial":
            horz_gradient(draw, region, gradient_color, TRUSTEE_COLOR_PALETTE)
            draw.text((1670, 525),"Trustee Special Meeting",WHITE,font=objFontMeetingTopic, anchor="rm")
        elif strMeetingType == "TrusteeEmer":
            horz_gradient(draw, region, gradient_color, TRUSTEE_COLOR_PALETTE)
            draw.text((1670, 525),"Trustee Emergency Meeting",WHITE,font=objFontMeetingTopic, anchor="rm")
        elif strMeetingType == "TrusteeHearing":
            horz_gradient(draw, region, gradient_color, TRUSTEE_COLOR_PALETTE)
            draw.text((1670, 525),"Trustee Public Hearing",WHITE,font=objFontMeetingTopic, anchor="rm")
        elif strMeetingType == "BZAReg":
            horz_gradient(draw, region, gradient_color, BZA_COLOR_PALETTE)
            draw.text((1670, 525),"BZA Regular Meeting",WHITE,font=objFontMeetingTopic, anchor="rm")
        elif strMeetingType == "BZAHearing":
            horz_gradient(draw, region, gradient_color, BZA_COLOR_PALETTE)
            draw.text((1670, 525),"BZA Public Hearing",WHITE,font=objFontMeetingTopic, anchor="rm")
        elif strMeetingType == "ZCReg":
            horz_gradient(draw, region, gradient_color, ZC_COLOR_PALETTE)
            draw.text((1670, 525),"Zoning Commission Meeting",WHITE,font=objFontMeetingTopic, anchor="rm")
        elif strMeetingType == "ZCHearing":
            horz_gradient(draw, region, gradient_color, ZC_COLOR_PALETTE)
            draw.text((1670, 525),"Zoning Commission Hearing",WHITE,font=objFontMeetingTopic, anchor="rm")
            horz_gradient(draw, region, gradient_color, MISC_COLOR_PALETTE)
            draw.text((1670, 525),"Township Meeting",WHITE,font=objFontMeetingTopic, anchor="rm")

        # Add township and date
        draw.text((1070, 225),"Hinckley Township",WHITE,font=objFontMeetingTitle, anchor="rm")
        draw.text((1770, 825),row['Date'].strftime('%B %d, %Y'),WHITE,font=objFontMeetingDate, anchor="rm"), "PNG")
        print(f"image saved as {strGraphicName}")

I have an Excel file which contains the meeting type code, a long meeting title that is used as the second line of the image, a date (and a MeetingDate that I use in my concat formulae that create the title and description for YouTube). To use an Excel date in concat, you need to use a TEXT formula with the text formatting string.

This allows me to have a consistent preview image for all of our postings without actually making dozens of files by hand.