Category: Technology

Google OAUTH Stuff

Reminder to self — when you set up a desktop app with OAUTH to use the Google APIs … you have to hit the authorization URL from the computer running the code. That means, for my calendar scraper, that I need to do X-redirection from the server & run the script. Firefox launches & the flow actually completes. Attempting to hit the URL from my computer yields a connection failure to the https://localhost:SomePort at the end of the workflow.

Move token.pickle to backup file, run with X-redirection so auth can be processed through web form.

Python: dir

I am writing this down because I never manage to remember these two super useful functions that tells you what a variable is.

iLastProcessedTimestamp = 0
with open(‘test.txt’) as f:
iLastProcessedTimestamp = int(f.readline())

The type function tells you the variable’s class (in this case, int). The dir function tells you the attributes of the variable.

Pylint — Ignoring Errors

MS Word has an ‘ignore this error’ thing in the grammar checker that I use fairly regularly — technical writing has syntax that reads as wrong, grammatical errors for impact, or informal writing where I don’t much care for some rules of grammar … I don’t want to turn off the grammar checker, but I do want to stop seeing a squiggly line under a specific sentence that I don’t want to change. Turns out Pylint has something similar:


Upgraded pip today, and I pretty quickly regretted it. SSL Error attempting to install anything from the Internet (and, amazingly, some things where I downloaded the wheel file). The answer is to downgrade PIP until you hit a version that doesn’t have the error. Annoying. Not sure what the latest rev I could have used was — going back one level and getting the error in loop was more time than I could devote to the project, so I just jumped back six months. Had success with 20.0.2 and left working alone.

Everything from 20.3.1 through 21.0.1 has this failure:

D:\tmp\5\pip>pip install basic_sftp
WARNING: Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by ‘SSLError(SSLError(1, ‘[SSL: WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER] wrong version number (_ssl.c:1076)’))’: /simple/basic-sftp/
WARNING: Retrying (Retry(total=3, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by ‘SSLError(SSLError(1, ‘[SSL: WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER] wrong version number (_ssl.c:1076)’))’: /simple/basic-sftp/
WARNING: You are using pip version 20.3.1; however, version 21.0.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the ‘c:\programs\anaconda3\python.exe -m pip install –upgrade pip’ command.

SCP From Solaris to RHEL?

Evidently you cannot just scp files from an old Solaris box when you’re on a RHEL/CentOS system … there’s an incompatibility between them that requires you to (1) install scp1 on the Solaris server {not likely in a prod environment} or (2) use sftp to transfer the files.


Server1: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.6 (Maipo)
Server2: Solaris 5.9

lisa@server1:~/$ scp lisa@server2:/data/stuff/file1.txt ./input/
lisa@server2’s password:
scp: warning: Executing scp1.
scp: FATAL: Executing ssh1 in compatibility mode failed (Check that scp1 is in your PATH).

Fedora — Disabling IPv6

Since it’s the third time I’ve had to do this so far this year, I’m going to write down how I disable IPv6 in Fedora. Add these lines to /etc/sysctl.conf

[lisa@server~]# grep ipv6 /etc/sysctl.conf

Then load the sysctl settings (sysctl -p) or reboot.

Without IPv6, if you do X-redirection, you may get an error indicating the redirection was refused. In journalctl, there’s an error “error: Failed to allocate internet-domain X11 display socket”. Evidently you’ve got to configure sshd to use IPv4 by setting “AddressFamily inet” in /etc/ssh/sshd_config

[lisa@server~/]# grep AddressFamily /etc/ssh/sshd_config
AddressFamily inet


MythTV Verbose Logging

In the process of troubleshooting UPNP/DLNA on our MythTV server, I learned that you can send logging verbosity settings while the server is running. Using the mythbackend binary with the –setverbose flag, you can specify logging level. For example:

mythbackend --setverbose http:debug,upnp:debug

What items can you set levels on? It’ll conveniently tell you — “all” or “none” override existing settings, everything else will update the current logging levels (i.e. if I’ve already got http and upnp in debug, I can use “–setverbose audio:debug” to add audio to the list of things in debug mode).

[mythuser@server /var/log/mythtv/]# mythbackend -v help
Verbose debug levels.
Accepts any combination (separated by comma) of:

all - ALL available debug output
audio - Audio related messages
channel - Channel related messages
chanscan - Channel Scanning messages
commflag - Commercial detection related messages
database - Display all SQL commands executed
decode - MPEG2Fix Decode messages
dsmcc - DSMCC carousel related messages
dvbcam - DVB CAM debugging messages
eit - EIT related messages
file - File and AutoExpire related messages
frame - MPEG2Fix frame messages
general - General info
gpu - GPU OpenGL driver messages
gpuaudio - GPU Audio Processing messages
gpuvideo - GPU video rendering messages
gui - GUI related messages
http - HTTP Server messages
idle - System idle messages
jobqueue - JobQueue related messages
libav - Enables libav debugging
media - Media Manager debugging messages
mheg - MHEG debugging messages
most - Most debug (nodatabase,notimestamp,noextra)
network - Network protocol related messages
none - NO debug output
osd - On-Screen Display related messages
playback - Playback related messages
process - MPEG2Fix processing messages
record - Recording related messages
refcount - Reference Count messages
rplxqueue - MPEG2Fix Replex Queue messages
schedule - Scheduling related messages
siparser - Siparser related messages
socket - socket debugging messages
system - External executable related messages
timestamp - Conditional data driven messages
upnp - UPnP debugging messages
vbi - VBI related messages
xmltv - xmltv output and related messages

To disable debugging, use “mythbackend –setverbose none”

Oracle Function – Keeping Null Records With LISTAGG

I have been using LISTAGG to group a bunch of records together to be presented in a single HTML table cell. Problem is LISTAGG doesn’t do anything with null field values. As such, the data doesn’t line up across columns. The three ID values have two string values, which basically get centered in the cell. You cannot tell which ID value goes to which name value.

By adding a concatenation to the LISTAGG value, something will be included in the result set even when the record value is null.

Voila — records line up and I can tell the first ID doesn’t have an associated string value.