Category: System Administration

Kubernetes Sandbox With Minikube

A scaled down sandbox can be used to gain experience with the applications and techniques used to deploy containerized applications and microservices. This sandbox will be built on a Windows 10 laptop, but the same components can be run on Linux variants.


Verify Virtualization is enabled:

Open Task Manager (taskman.exe) and ensure the virtualization extensions have been enabled.

If virtualization is disabled, boot into the system config (start menu => settings => update & security => recovery, click “Restart now” under “Advanced startup”)

Uninstall the Windows OpenSSH client

Click ‘Start’ and type “Manage optional features” – within the installed feature list, find “OpenSSH Client”. If present, remove it.

Enable Hyper-V

Enable the Hyper-V Windows feature (Control Panel => Programs => Programs and Features, “Turn Windows features on or off” and check both Hyper-V components).

Add Virtual Switch To Hyper-V

In the Hyper-V Manager, open the “Virtual Switch Manager”. Create a new External virtual switch. Record the name used for your new virtual switch.


Install Minikube

View and record the version number. The current stable release version is v1.11.1

Modify the URL to use the current stable release version. Current URL is

Create a folder %ProgramFiles%\Minikube and add this folder to your PATH variable.

Download kubectl.exe from the current release URL to %ProgramFiles%\Minikube

Download the current Minikube release from (scroll down to the “Distribution” section, locate the Windows/amd64 link, and save that binary as %ProgramFiles%\Minikube\minikube.exe). ** v0.28.1 was completely non-functional for me (and errors were related to existing issues on the minikube GitHub site) so I used v0.27.0

Verify both are functional. From a command prompt (run as administrator) or Powershell (again run as administrator), run “kubectl version” and verify the output includes a client version

Run “minikube get-k8s-versions” and verify there is output.

Configure the Minikube VM using the Hyper-V driver and switch you created earlier.

minikube start –vm-driver hyperv –hyperv-virtual-switch “Minikube Switch” –alsologtostderr

Once everything has started, “kubectl version” will report both a client and server version.

You can use “minikube ip” to ascertain the IP address of your cluster

If the cluster services fail to start, there are a few log locations.

Run “minikube logs” to see the log information from the minikube virtual machine

Use “kubectl get pods –all-namespaces” to determine which component(s) fail, then use “kubectl logs -f name -n kube-system” to review logs to determine why the component failed to start.

If you need to connect to the minikube Hyper-V VM, the username is docker and the password is tcuser – you can ssh into the host or connect to the console through the Hyper-V Manager.

Before the management interface comes online, you can use view the status of the containers using the docker command line utilities on the minikube VM.

$ docker ps

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                        COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS               NAMES

7d8d66b5e465        af20925d51a3                 “kube-apiserver –ad…”   About a minute ago   Up About a minute                       k8s_kube-apiserver_kube-apiserver-minikube_kube-system_0f6076ada4273000c4b2f846f250f3f7_3

bb4be8d267cb        52920ad46f5b                 “etcd –advertise-cl…”   7 minutes ago        Up 7 minutes                            k8s_etcd_etcd-minikube_kube-system_0199781185b49d6ff5624b06273532ab_0

d6be5d6ae360        9c16409588eb                 “/opt/”    7 minutes ago        Up 7 minutes                            k8s_kube-addon-manager_kube-addon-manager-minikube_kube-system_3afaf06535cc3b85be93c31632b765da_1

b5ddf5d1ff11        ad86dbed1555                 “kube-controller-man…”   7 minutes ago        Up 7 minutes                            k8s_kube-controller-manager_kube-controller-manager-minikube_kube-system_d9cefa6e3dc9378ad420db8df48a9da5_0

252d382575c7        704ba848e69a                 “kube-scheduler –ku…”   7 minutes ago        Up 7 minutes                            k8s_kube-scheduler_kube-scheduler-minikube_kube-system_2acb197d598c4730e3f5b159b241a81b_0

421b2e264f9f   “/pause”                 7 minutes ago        Up 7 minutes                            k8s_POD_kube-scheduler-minikube_kube-system_2acb197d598c4730e3f5b159b241a81b_0

85e0e2d0abab   “/pause”                 7 minutes ago        Up 7 minutes                            k8s_POD_kube-controller-manager-minikube_kube-system_d9cefa6e3dc9378ad420db8df48a9da5_0

2028c6414573   “/pause”                 7 minutes ago        Up 7 minutes                            k8s_POD_kube-apiserver-minikube_kube-system_0f6076ada4273000c4b2f846f250f3f7_0

663b87989216   “/pause”                 7 minutes ago        Up 7 minutes                            k8s_POD_etcd-minikube_kube-system_0199781185b49d6ff5624b06273532ab_0

7eae09d0662b   “/pause”                 7 minutes ago        Up 7 minutes                            k8s_POD_kube-addon-manager-minikube_kube-system_3afaf06535cc3b85be93c31632b765da_1


This allows you to view the specific logs for a container that is failing to launch

$ docker logs 0d21814d8226

Flag –admission-control has been deprecated, Use –enable-admission-plugins or –disable-admission-plugins instead. Will be removed in a future version.

Flag –insecure-port has been deprecated, This flag will be removed in a future version.

I0720 16:37:07.591352       1 server.go:135] Version: v1.10.0

I0720 16:37:07.596494       1 server.go:679] external host was not specified, using

I0720 16:37:08.555806       1 feature_gate.go:190] feature gates: map[Initializers:true]

I0720 16:37:08.565008       1 initialization.go:90] enabled Initializers feature as part of admission plugin setup

I0720 16:37:08.690234       1 plugins.go:149] Loaded 10 admission controller(s) successfully in the following order: NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,NodeRestriction,DefaultTolerationSeconds,DefaultStorageClass,MutatingAdmissionWebhook,Initializers,ValidatingAdmissionWebhook,ResourceQuota.

I0720 16:37:08.717560       1 master.go:228] Using reconciler: master-count

W0720 16:37:09.383605       1 genericapiserver.go:342] Skipping API batch/v2alpha1 because it has no resources.

W0720 16:37:09.399172       1 genericapiserver.go:342] Skipping API because it has no resources.

W0720 16:37:09.407426       1 genericapiserver.go:342] Skipping API because it has no resources.

W0720 16:37:09.445491       1 genericapiserver.go:342] Skipping API because it has no resources.

[restful] 2018/07/20 16:37:09 log.go:33: [restful/swagger] listing is available at

[restful] 2018/07/20 16:37:09 log.go:33: [restful/swagger] is mapped to folder /swagger-ui/

[restful] 2018/07/20 16:37:52 log.go:33: [restful/swagger] listing is available at

[restful] 2018/07/20 16:37:52 log.go:33: [restful/swagger] is mapped to folder /swagger-ui/


Worst case, we haven’t really done anything yet and you can start over with “minikube delete”, then delete the .minikube directory (likely located in %USERPROFILE%), and start over.

Once you have updated the Hyper-V configuration and started the cluster, you should be able to access the kubernetes dashboard

Actually using it

Now that you have minikube running, you can access the dashboard via a web URL – or just type “minikube dashboard” to have the site launched in your default browser.

Create a deployment – we’ll use the nginx sample image here

Voila, under Workloads => Deployments, you should see this test deployment (if the Pods column has 0/1, the image has not completely started … wait for it!)

Under Workloads=>Pods, you can select the sample. In the upper right-hand corner, there are buttons to shell into the Pod as well as view logs from the Pod.

Expose the deployment as a service. You can use the web GUI to verify the service or “kubectl describe service servicename

Either method provides the TCP port to access the service. Access the URL in a browser. Voila, a web site:

Viewing the Pod logs should now show the web server access logs.

That’s all fine and good, but there are dozens of other ways to bring up a quick web server. Using Docker directly. Magic cloudy hosting services. A server with a web server on it. K8 allows you to quickly scale the deployment – specify the number of replicas you want and you’ve got them:

Describing the service, you will see multiple endpoints.

What do I really have?

You’ve got containers – either your own container for your application or some test container. Following these instructions, we’ve got a test container that serves up a simple web page.

You’ve got a Pod – one or more containers are run in a Pod. A pod exists on a single machine, so all containers within a Pod share resources. This is good thing if the containers interact with each other (shared resources speed up this communication), but it’s a bad thing if the containers have no correlation but run high I/O functions (shared resources create contention for this communication).

You’ve got a deployment – a managed group of Pods. Each application or microservice will have a deployment. The deployment keeps the desired number of instances running – if an instance is not healthy, it is terminated and a new instance spawned. You can resize the deployment on a schedule, or you can use load metrics to manage capacity.

You’ve got services – services map resources running within pods to internal or external access. The service has an IP address and port for client access, and requests are load balanced across healthy, running Pods. In our case, we are using NodePort, and “kubectl describe service ngnix-sample” will provide the port number.

Because client access is performed through the service, you can perform “rolling updates” by setting a new image (and even roll back if the newly deployed image is malfunctioning). To roll a new image into service, use “kubectl set image deployments/ngnix-sample ngnix-sample=something/image:v5”. Using “kubectl get pods”, you can see replicas come online with the new image and ones with the old image terminate. Or, for a quick summary of the rollout status, run “kubectl rollout status deployment nginx-sample”

If the new container fails to load, or if adverse behavior is experienced, you can run “kubectl rollout undo deployment nginx-sample” to revert to the previous working container image.

When you are done with your sandbox, you can stop it using “minikube stop”, and “minikube start” will bring the sandbox back online.

A “real world” deployment would have multiple servers (physical, virtual, or a combination thereof) essentially serving as a resource pool. You wouldn’t manually scale deployments either.

Notice that the dashboard – and all of its administrative functions – are open to the world. A “real world” deployment would either include something like OpenUnison to authenticate through ADFS or some web hook that performs LDAP authentication and provides an access token.

And there’s no reason to use kubectl to manually deploy updates. Commit your changes into the git repository. Jenkins picks up the changes, runs the Maven build and tests, and creates a Docker build. The final step within the Jenkins workflow is to perform the image rollout. This means you can have a new image deployed within minutes (actual time depends on the build/test time) of committing code to a repo.

Powershell Credentials

I’ve only recently started using PowerShell to perform automated batch functions, and storing passwords in plain text is a huge problem. In other languages, I crypt the password with a string stored elsewhere, then use the elsewhere-stored string in conjunction with the cipher text to retrieve the password. There’s a really easy way to accomplish this in PowerShell (although it does not split the credential into two separate entities that force an attacker to obtain something from two places {i.e. reading a file on disk is good enough} but if they’re already reading my code and on my server … the attacker could easily repeat the algorithmic process of retrieving the other string … which is a long way to say the PowerShell approach may seem less secure; but, effectively, it isn’t much less secure)

The first step is to store the password into a file. Use “read-host -AsSecureString” to grab the password from user input, pipe that to convertfrom-securestring to turn it into a big ugly jumble of text, then pipe that out to a file

read-host -assecurestring | converfrom-securestring | out-file -filepath c:\temp\pass.txt

View the content of the file and you’ll see … a big long hex thing

Great, I’ve got a bunch of rubbish in a file. How do I use that in a script? Set a variable to the content of the file piped through convertto-securestring and then use that password to create a new PSCredential object

$strPassword = get-content -path c:\temp\pass.txt | convertto-securestring
$cred = new-object -typename PSCredential -argumentlist ‘UserID’,$strPassword

Voila, $cred is a credential that you can use in other commands.

New Git Server

I love GitLab, but it’s resource intensive and I wasn’t able to run it on the current hardware. Getting a new server has been a slow process, so I needed another solution. We use the Bonobo Git Server at work — it’s really simple and doesn’t provide all of the analysis and workflow functionality of GitLab (e.g. there are no pull requests!) … but it does keep revisions of code to which you can revert. And that’s better than trying to figure out what changed and broke a program. So I set one up at home.

Super simple — except they forget a few steps — like they don’t mean you need to install .NET 4.6. You need to go in the Add Roles & Features, under Application Development Features, and enable ASP.NET. 4.5 worked fine for me. You’ve also got to restart your IIS MMC if you left it running, and change the application pool over to one that actually uses ASP.NET.

Once that was installed, a few quick changes to web.config enabled AD-based authentication. And now we’ve got a git server at home that I can leave running 24×7.

Except … I tried using a new git server and got the following error:
schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: Unknown error (0x80092012) –
The revocation function was unable to check revocation for the certificate.

To resolve the issue, I needed to changed from Windows to OpenSSL certificate handling:
git config –global http.sslBackend openssl

Except that blew away my config line that defines the SSL CA CRT file. Once I restored my configuration … voila, I can use the git client with my new git server
git config –system http.sslcainfo “c:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\ssl\certs\ca-bundle.crt”

Sorting Grep Results When Log File Names Are Incremented Integers

While rotated log files can have a timestamp like YYYYMMDDHHmmss appended, a lot of log files are rotated with incremented integers (i.e. file.3 is removed, file.2 becomes file.3, file.1 becomes file.2, file becomes file.1, and file is a new file for current log ‘stuff’). We had some … challenges changing the log4j settings to use the timestamp format. When you grep all of the log files, the results are organized by alpha-sorted file names. Problem is that alpha sorted file names are 1, 10, 11, 12, …, 19, 2, 20, 21 … which doesn’t produce results in ascending or descending date order. You get:

zwave.log.1:2018-07-01 22:51:21.450 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 58: Node not awake!
zwave.log.1:2018-07-01 22:51:21.450 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 55: Node not awake!
zwave.log.11:2018-07-02 00:47:05.375 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 70: Node not awake!
zwave.log.11:2018-07-02 00:47:05.376 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 46: Node not awake!
zwave.log.12:2018-07-02 01:01:12.850 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 82: Node not awake!
zwave.log.13:2018-07-02 01:11:22.465 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 48: Node not awake!
zwave.log.13:2018-07-02 01:11:22.478 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 82: Node not awake!
zwave.log.13:2018-07-02 01:11:22.478 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 49: Node not awake!
zwave.log.14:2018-07-02 01:25:22.632 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 112: Node not awake!
zwave.log.14:2018-07-02 01:25:22.632 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 212: Node not awake!
zwave.log.15:2018-07-02 01:40:29.053 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 58: Node not awake!
zwave.log.15:2018-07-02 01:40:29.053 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 70: Node not awake!
zwave.log.16:2018-07-02 01:55:01.702 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 50: Node not awake!
zwave.log.16:2018-07-02 01:55:01.702 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 122: Node not awake!
zwave.log.17:2018-07-02 02:08:48.818 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 67: Node not awake!
zwave.log.17:2018-07-02 02:08:48.818 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 212: Node not awake!
zwave.log.18:2018-07-02 02:23:53.281 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 55: Node not awake!
zwave.log.18:2018-07-02 02:23:53.281 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 46: Node not awake!
zwave.log.19:2018-07-02 02:44:23.567 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 48: Node not awake!
zwave.log.19:2018-07-02 02:44:23.567 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 86: Node not awake!
zwave.log.19:2018-07-02 02:44:23.567 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 50: Node not awake!
zwave.log.2:2018-07-01 23:03:36.704 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 57: Node not awake!
zwave.log.2:2018-07-01 23:03:36.704 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 64: Node not awake!
zwave.log.2:2018-07-01 23:03:36.704 [DEBUG] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] – NODE 68: Node not awake!

So I put together a quick sequence of commands that will produce results sorted by date. This process strips off the file names (I could create a more complex command set to shuffle the file name off to the end, but I didn’t need the file name. I just needed to scroll through the times at which an event occurred).

grep “Node not awake” zwave.log* | sed -r ‘s/^zwave.log.*:2018/2018/’ | sort

The grep results are piped to sed to have the file name prefix removed. The subsequent results are then piped to sort to be, well, sorted.

Gathering Info For Oracle – Oracle Unified Directory

I’ve been opening a lot of tickets for Oracle Unified Directory bugs recently. To save time gathering, I put together a quick script that gathers the data for an initial ticket. It depends on having a $PKGDIRECTORY environment variable set to the installation directory, and the data is stashed in a gzip’d tar file in the /tmp directory.


$PKGDIRECTORY/Middleware/asinst_1/OUD/bin/start-ds -s > /tmp/${HOSTNAME%%.*}-startds.txt
$PKGDIRECTORY/Middleware/asinst_1/OUD/bin/status -D “cn=directory manager” -j ~/pwd.txt > /tmp/${HOSTNAME%%.*}-status.txt

tar -cvzf /tmp/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.tgz /tmp/${HOSTNAME%%.*}-startds.txt /tmp/${HOSTNAME%%.*}-status.txt $PKGDIRECTORY/Middleware/asinst_1/OUD/logs/access $PKGDIRECTORY/Middleware/asinst_1/OUD/logs/admin $PKGDIRECTORY/Middleware/asinst_1/OUD/logs/errors $PKGDIRECTORY/Middleware/asinst_1/OUD/logs/replication $PKGDIRECTORY/Middleware/asinst_1/OUD/logs/server.out
chmod o+r /tmp/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.tgz

Updating Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) SSL Certificate

# There are two environment variables set to allow this to work:
# WLSTOREPASS=Wh@t3v3rY0uU53d # WLSTOREPASS is set to whatever is used for the keystore and truststore password
# OUDINST=/path/to/OUD/installation (root into which both java and OUD were installed — if you are using an OS package
# for java, your paths will be different)
# Log into OUD web management GUI (https://hostname.domain.gTLD:7002/odsm) and verify for each server:
# Configuration=>General Configuration=>Connection Handlers=>LDAPS Connection handler: “Secure access properties” section, Key Manager Provider & Trust Manager Provider are JKS. Certificate name is short hostname
# Configuration=>General Configuration=>Kery Managers=>JKS: Path is /$OUDINST/Oracle/Middleware/<short hostname>.jks

# During Change, server can be online
# Use the web GUI to issue certificates from WIN-WEB-CA. Export each cert as a PFX with keystore password $WLSTOREPASS
# On each server, place the approprate PFX file named with the hostname (i.e. the cert for LDAPFrontEndAlias.domain.gTLD will be stored to HOST1 as host1.pfx but stored on HOST2 as host2.pfx) in /tmp/ssl
# Alternatively, issue one certificate with each hostname and the front end alias as SAN values and use a static filename for the PFX file
# Put the root & web CA base-64 public key in /tmp/ssl/ as well (named Win-Root-CA.b64.cer and Win-Web-CA.b64.cer)

### Import the chain for the private key certificate
$OUDINST/java/jdk/bin/keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias WIN-ROOT -file /tmp/ssl/Win-Root-CA.b64.cer -keystore /tmp/ssl/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks -keypass $WLSTOREPASS -storepass $WLSTOREPASS
$OUDINST/java/jdk/bin/keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias WIN-WEB -file /tmp/ssl/Win-Web-CA.b64.cer -keystore /tmp/ssl/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks -keypass $WLSTOREPASS -storepass $WLSTOREPASS

# get GUID for the private key in the PFX file
HOSTCERTALIAS=”$($OUDINST/java/jdk/bin/keytool -v -list -storetype pkcs12 -keystore /tmp/ssl/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.pfx –storepass $WLSTOREPASS | grep Alias | cut -d: -f2-)”

# Change the cert alias to be the short hostname
$OUDINST/java/jdk/bin/keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /tmp/ssl/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.pfx -destkeystore /tmp/ssl/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks -srcstoretype pkcs12 -deststoretype JKS -alias $HOSTCERTALIAS -storepass $WLSTOREPASS -srcstorepass $WLSTOREPASS
$OUDINST/java/jdk/bin/keytool -changealias -alias $HOSTCERTALIAS -destalias ${HOSTNAME%%.*} -keypass $WLSTOREPASS -keystore /tmp/ssl/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks -storepass $WLSTOREPASS

# Verify you have a WIN-ROOT, WIN-WEB, and hostname record
$OUDINST/java/jdk/bin/keytool -v -list -keystore /tmp/ssl/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks –storepass $WLSTOREPASS | grep Alias

# Back up the current Java keystore file and move the new one into place
CURRENTDATE=”$(date +%Y%m%d)”
mv $OUDINST/Oracle/Middleware/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks $OUDINST/Oracle/Middleware/$CURRENTDATE.jks

cp $OUDINST/Oracle/Middleware/asinst_1/OUD/config/truststore $OUDINST/Oracle/Middleware/asinst_1/OUD/config/truststore-$CURRENTDATE
$OUDINST/java/jdk/bin/keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias WIN-ROOT -file /tmp/ssl/Win-Root-CA.b64.cer -keystore $OUDINST/Oracle/Middleware/asinst_1/OUD/config/truststore -keypass $WLSTOREPASS -storepass $WLSTOREPASS
$OUDINST/java/jdk/bin/keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias WIN-WEB -file /tmp/ssl/Win-Web-CA.b64.cer -keystore $OUDINST/Oracle/Middleware/asinst_1/OUD/config/truststore -keypass $WLSTOREPASS -storepass $WLSTOREPASS

mv /tmp/ssl/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks $OUDINST/Oracle/Middleware/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks

# START THE LDAP SERVER AND check for errors / test

# Backout:
# Stop the LDAP server
# mv $OUDINST/Oracle/Middleware/$CURRENTDATE.jks $OUDINST/Oracle/Middleware/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks
# mv $OUDINST/Oracle/Middleware/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks /tmp/ssl/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks
# Start the LDAP server

Updating Weblogic Certificate For OUD Management Utility

This is the process I use to update the WebLogic SSL certificate for our OUD management web interface. 

# There are two environment variables set to allow this to work:
WLSTOREPASS=Wh@t3v3rY0uU53d # WLSTOREPASS is set to whatever is used for the keystore and truststore password
# OUDINST=/path/to/OUD/installation (root into which both java and OUD were installed — if you are using an OS package
# for java, your paths will be different)
#Log into https://hostname.domain.gTLD:7002/console (or whatever your WL console URL is)
# As my WebLogic instance auths users via LDAP, I log in with my UID & pwd … you may have a generic account like ‘admin’
#Navigate to Domain Structure => Environment => Servers
#Select “AdminServer”
#Keystores tab — will tell you the name of the keystore and trust store
#SSL tab — will tell you the friendly name of the certificate
# Verify the keystore and truststore are $OUDINST/Oracle/Middleware/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks,
# Verify the friendly name of the certificate is the short hostname
# Verify the keystore is using the normal keystore password
#[ldap@dell115 ~]$ $OUDINST/java/jdk/bin/keytool -v -list -keystore $OUDINST/Oracle/Middleware/dell115.jks –storepass $WLSTOREPASS| grep Alias
#Alias name: dell115
#Alias name: win-we
#Alias name: win-root
#Alias name: winca1-root
#Alias name: winca1-issuing
# *** If you do not get any output, remove the ” | grep Alias” part and check for errors. “keytool error: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect” means the password is different.
# *** either try to guess the password (company name or ‘a’ are good guesses, along with the java-typical default of changeit)
# *** to continue using the existing password or you’ll need to update the keystore and truststore passwords in the web GUI.
# *** Since the keystores are generated using the process below … 99% of the time, the password matches.
# Generate a cert with appropriate info, export public/private key as a PFX file named with the short hostname of the server (i.e. dell115.pfx here) and, as the keystore password, use whatever you’ve set in $WLSTOREPASS

 # DURING THE CHANGE, as the ldap service account on the server:

mkdir /tmp/ssl

# Put base 64 public keys for our root and web CA in /tmp/ssl as Win-Root-CA.b64.cer and Win-Web-CA.b64.cer
# Put public/private key export from above in /tmp/ssl 

# Import the keychain for your certificate
$OUDINST/java/jdk/bin/keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias WIN-ROOT -file /tmp/ssl/Win-Root-CA.b64.cer -keystore /tmp/ssl/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks -keypass $WLSTOREPASS -storepass $WLSTOREPASS

$OUDINST/java/jdk/bin/keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias WIN-WEB -file /tmp/ssl/Win-Web-CA.b64.cer -keystore /tmp/ssl/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks -keypass $WLSTOREPASS -storepass $WLSTOREPASS 

# get GUID for cert within PFX file
HOSTCERTALIAS=”$($OUDINST/java/jdk/bin/keytool -v -list -storetype pkcs12 -keystore /tmp/ssl/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.pfx –storepass $WLSTOREPASS | grep Alias | cut -d: -f2-)” 

# Import the private key
$OUDINST/java/jdk/bin/keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /tmp/ssl/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.pfx -destkeystore /tmp/ssl/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks -srcstoretype pkcs12 -deststoretype JKS -alias $HOSTCERTALIAS -storepass $WLSTOREPASS -srcstorepass Ra1n1ng1

# Change the alias to match what is configured in the web GUI
$OUDINST/java/jdk/bin/keytool -changealias -alias $HOSTCERTALIAS -destalias ${HOSTNAME%%.*} -keypass $WLSTOREPASS-keystore /tmp/ssl/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks -storepass $WLSTOREPASS

# Verify you have a WIN-ROOT, WIN-WEB, and hostname record

$OUDINST/java/jdk/bin/keytool -v -list -keystore /tmp/ssl/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks –storepass $WLSTOREPASS | grep Alias

# Stop the weblogic server

# Back up current keystore file and move new one into place
CURRENTDATE=”$(date +%Y%m%d)”
mv $OUDINST/Oracle/Middleware/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks $OUDINST/Oracle/Middleware/$CURRENTDATE.jks
cp /tmp/ssl/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks $OUDINST/Oracle/Middleware/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks

# Start the weblogic server in the screen session, then disconnect from the screen session

# Assuming success
rm -rf /tmp/ssl

# Backout is
# stop weblogic
mv $OUDINST/Oracle/Middleware/$CURRENTDATE.jks  $OUDINST/Oracle/Middleware/${HOSTNAME%%.*}.jks
# start weblogic

Oracle Unified Directory Bug – Paged Queries

I’ve encountered a bug with paged queries to a front end (“directory proxy”) Oracle Unified Directory server. When the load balancing algorithm is configured to distribute traffic equally across the back-end servers (proportional distribution algorithm), some queries return duplicate records. Not quite an infinite loop — for a small-ish (like 1300 objects) record set, I usually reach the end of the returned data round 50k records. But certainly not a valid result set either. And for a large result set (like 13,000 objects), it seems endless.

The oddest thing, though, is that different filters which produce the same result set do not all return duplicate results. Our uid values are algorithmically formed — those with employeeType of RealEmployee all start with ‘A’, those with employeeType of Contractor all start with ‘B’ type of rule. The prefix is then followed by a numeric sequence number. The filter (&(!(uid=A*)(uid=B*))(sn=*)) duplicates results and seemingly runs forever. The filter (&((employeeType=RealEmployee)(employeeType=Contractor))(sn=*)) returns the ~11k expected results. Go figure. Although this is algorithmically quite odd, it does provide a nice work-around to the bug as I just had to try different filters until I found one that produced non-duplicated results.

LDIF To Move User Accounts In Oracle Unified Directory

Since I keep wasting an hour to figure this out every time I need to move a user within OUD, I’m writing down the proper LDIF text to move a user from ou=disabled,o=orgName to ou=users,o=orgName.

dn: uid=TestUser123,ou=disabled,o=orgName
changetype: moddn
newrdn: uid=TestUser123
deleteoldrdn: 1
newSuperior: ou=users,o=orgName

For some reason, Oracle’s documentation omits the newrdn component and it all fails spectacularly.

Git For Configuration Management

I am starting to use git to manage application server configurations — partially to ensure team members are familiarizing themselves with git and thinking about it when they update code (we’ve seen a LOT of tweaks that are not pushed to the git server), but also to reduce the administrative overhead of managing servers.

The best use case thus far has been our sendmail environment — seven servers with three configuration bases. By issuing certificates with SAN values for each host name and the VIP name, we are able to use the same cert and config file on each server in a functional group. Admins can make changes to the config offline (i.e. we’re not live-editing config files on the sendmail servers), there is history to who made the changes {and a quick means of reverting changes), and, using a cron’d pull, we can ensure changes are consistent across the environment.