Anya and I got the orchard mulched today — ten blueberries, three seaberries, three honey berries, a cherry, a fig, two pawpaws, two currants, three gooseberries, and seven raspberries.
We let a number of corn cobs dry in the field to harvest seeds for next year. The kernels pop off the cob easily when they are dry enough. If it’s even a little hard to remove, I just let the cob sit for another few days and tried again. We’ve got lots of super sweet corn ready to plant next year.
Our cats usually come with me to the poultry pasture in the morning and evening — they patrol the area, climb a tree, and generally do cat things. Last week, Dumplin decided to try the kitchen scraps I put out for the birds.
I got our autumn orchard planting done — we’ve got ten blueberries, three seaberries, and three honey berries ready to start growing next year. We’ve got another month or so of not-yet-freezing weather; hopefully the plants have enough time to get their roots set in the ground.