Month: August 2016


We have corn tassels and a couple of cobs starting!


Anya and I weeded our potato patch, and found a couple of new potatoes at the surface.


Our potato plants are huge — and evidently the weather has been sufficiently odd that potato SEEDS are forming. I’ve seen potato plants with flowers before, but the little tomato-looking green things were new to me. We can also tell that part of our potato bed is amazing for growing plants, some of it is ok-ish, and the right-hand third is too shaded. The potatoes and sweet potatoes along the left-hand side look like a massive pile of vegetation. The middle part … well, they look like potato plants to which I am accustomed. The right-hand side … there’s one little sweet potato vine that’s about five inches tall.


These are all growing in a leaf mulch that formed where the previous owner dumped the grass clippings and leaves from the bottom of the property. After we harvest the potatoes, I plan to mix all of the soil together (the stuff from the left may have its nutrients depleted, but the stuff on the right is essentially unused), add some compost, and then use this as a potato bed next year. Then we’ll start a rotation – definitely bush beans, but I’m hoping to build a trellis next winter & have a wall of vine beans or peas behind  the bush beans.

Anya Land Phase 1 – Rolling Tube

My husband got a tubing roller from Harbor Freight — it was a special deal one week. It rolls electric metal tubing — so we got 3/4″ EMT from Home Depot. Scott is going to roll the tube into a circle and then weld the ends together. I’m planning to spray it with Rustoleum first, then wrap the black parachute cord around it. The black cord will give me a mount-point for the hanging ropes & the ropes that get woven into the circle.

That means we’re at about 30$ to make the same swing they sell for 80$

Securing WordPress A Little Bit

We’ve had quite a lot of source IP’s flooding our web server the past few days. The first couple, I just blocked entirely … but we get a good bit of traffic to my husband’s business domain. That traffic is not exclusively people randomly surfing the Internet — we’ve been getting records in our logs that very specifically look like hacking attempts.

I’ve added a few stanzas into my Apache configuration to block access to “important” files unless the source is my tablet’s IP:

         <Files ~ "wp-config.php">
                Order deny,allow
                deny from all
                Allow from

        <Files ~ "wp-login.php">
                Order deny,allow
                deny from all
                Allow from

        <Files ~ "wp-settings.php">
                Order deny,allow
                deny from all
                Allow from

        <Files ~ "xmlrpc.php">
                Order deny,allow
                deny from all
                Allow from

       <Directory "/">
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all

        <Directory "/var/www/vhtml/lisa/html/wp-admin">
                Order deny,allow
                deny from all
                Allow from

Then went into the MySQL database and renamed all of the tables to remove the default prefix:

rename table wp_commentmeta to prefix_commentmeta;
rename table wp_comments to prefix_comments;
rename table wp_links to prefix_links;
rename table wp_ngg_album to prefix_ngg_album;
rename table wp_ngg_gallery to prefix_ngg_gallery;
rename table wp_ngg_pictures to prefix_ngg_pictures;
rename table wp_options to prefix_options;
rename table wp_postmeta to prefix_postmeta;
rename table wp_posts to prefix_posts;
rename table wp_statistics_exclusions to prefix_statistics_exclusions;
rename table wp_statistics_historical to prefix_statistics_historical;
rename table wp_statistics_pages to prefix_statistics_pages;
rename table wp_statistics_search to prefix_statistics_search;
rename table wp_statistics_useronline to prefix_statistics_useronline;
rename table wp_statistics_visit to prefix_statistics_visit;
rename table wp_statistics_visitor to prefix_statistics_visitor;
rename table wp_term_relationships to prefix_term_relationships;
rename table wp_term_taxonomy to prefix_term_taxonomy;
rename table wp_termmeta to prefix_termmeta;
rename table wp_terms to prefix_terms;
rename table wp_usermeta to prefix_usermeta;
rename table wp_users to prefix_users;
rename table wp_wfBadLeechers to prefix_wfBadLeechers;
rename table wp_wfBlocks to prefix_wfBlocks;
rename table wp_wfBlocksAdv to prefix_wfBlocksAdv;
rename table wp_wfConfig to prefix_wfConfig;
rename table wp_wfCrawlers to prefix_wfCrawlers;
rename table wp_wfFileMods to prefix_wfFileMods;
rename table wp_wfHits to prefix_wfHits;
rename table wp_wfHoover to prefix_wfHoover;
rename table wp_wfIssues to prefix_wfIssues;
rename table wp_wfLeechers to prefix_wfLeechers;
rename table wp_wfLockedOut to prefix_wfLockedOut;
rename table wp_wfLocs to prefix_wfLocs;
rename table wp_wfLogins to prefix_wfLogins;
rename table wp_wfNet404s to prefix_wfNet404s;
rename table wp_wfReverseCache to prefix_wfReverseCache;
rename table wp_wfScanners to prefix_wfScanners;
rename table wp_wfStatus to prefix_wfStatus;
rename table wp_wfThrottleLog to prefix_wfThrottleLog;
rename table wp_wfVulnScanners to prefix_wfVulnScanners;

update prefix_usermeta set meta_key = REPLACE(meta_key,'wp_','prefix_');
update prefix_options SET option_name = 'prefix_user_roles' where option_name = 'wp_user_roles';

Modified wp-config.php to use the new prefix:

// $table_prefix  = 'wp_';
$table_prefix  = 'prefix_';

More to tweak, but this is a start!

Programming in Unknown Languages

I’ve often thought that the immersion method of learning a language was setting yourself up for failure – it isn’t like knowing the fundamentals of grammar and pronunciation in English helps you in any way when you find yourself in Karnataka trying to communicate in Sanskrit. There are rather complex algorithms that attempt to derive meaning from an unknown language, but apart from body language, pointing, and gesturing … that’s not something I can manage in real-time as someone speaks to me.

*Programming* languages, on the other hand, I am finding are rather easily learnt by immersion. I know several programming languages quite well – C/C++, F77/F90, perl, and php. I know a dozen or so other languages well enough to get by.

Some of our home automation scripts are written in CoffeeScript (which is evidently a way to write JavaScript without *actually* knowing JavaScript) – and I would never be able to write the program. But to come into the middle of the conversation (i.e. to take someone else’s non-functional code and try to fix it), I can glean enough of the language to debug and fix code. And there’s always Google for any syntax I cannot guess.

I wonder if someone who is fluent in multiple disparate languages (knowing half a dozen Romance languages doesn’t really give you a good base of knowledge – I mean someone who speaks Italian, Hindi, Cantonese, Swahili, and some Levantine dialect of Arabic) is able to do something similar — they know enough words to pretty much guess what words mean & enough different language structures to guess words in their context.