Month: August 2021

Chicken Chaos

Well … we had one day of Astra fostering the new broilers. They’re older baby guys (which is why they were super cheap) … and I think they got used to doing their own thing. And didn’t want to get back into the nesting box when she told them to. The OG baby guy totally comes when called, but these guys? Not so much. And Astra freaked out. Anya saved one of the Cornish babies while Scott and I were working on some trees — she got Astra out of the coop and tended to the little guy’s wounded head. It was bad — scalped. She tried putting Astra in the tractor with the other birds, but Astra was pretty set on getting back to baby guy. And freaked out the turkeys, who attacked her. So now Astra has the feathers pulled from the back of her head just like the Cornish she attacked.

Anya got Astra into the baby tractor, got the turkeys calmed down, and introduced the Cornish to the ducks (who, thankfully, didn’t go after the wound). Baby guy made its way out of the coop and over to Astra in the baby tractor. So they were happy, pecking around at food and grit. The Cornish were safe in the coop. And everyone else was in the big tractor. That was sorted enough that we could finish splitting the wood and getting it stacked.

Near sunset, we had to get all of the Cornish into the brooder so Astra and baby guy could go into the coop. We put a board in front of their nesting box to keep the turkeys from going after her wounded head.

Just Ducky

The thirteen eggs Astra incubated yielded one chick — a really cute one, and the first one born on our farm. But not the gaggle of broilers we were anticipating. So we decided to buy some more hatchlings for her to raise. The Tractor Supply had Rangers last week, but we didn’t manage to make it out there in time. So I called around to all of the TSC’s in the area trying to find some. No luck, but the next TSC to the south had a lot of birds they were trying to get rid of. Cornish x Rock’s at two for a buck. That’s a great deal, so we headed down. They also had pekin ducks for the same price … and we picked up two to try out raising ducks. I love those little bills!

Well, introducing the ducks to Astra didn’t go so well — they’re pretty active, and they either didn’t want to listen to her or didn’t understand chicken talk … but they wouldn’t go back into the nest when she called them. And now we’ve got ducks in the brooder and a bunch of chicks snuggling up with Astra.

Python Selenium Headed v/s Headless

We are automating a file download — it works fine when running headed, but headless execution doesn’t manage to log in. Proxying the requests through Fiddler show that several JavaScript pages download unexpected content.

I’ve added a user-agent to the request, but I’ve noticed that the ChromeDriver also sets sec-ch-* headers … I expect the null sec-ch-ua causes the web server to refuse our request. I don’t see any issues in the ChromeDriver repo for the sec-ch-* headers … and I don’t really want to walk back versions until I find one that doesn’t try setting this header value. Firefox’s GeckoDriver, though, doesn’t set them … so I moved the script over to use Firefox instead of Chrome and am able to download the file.

Headed run:

GET /o/telx-theme/css/A.bootstrap.css+slick,,_slick.css, HTTP/1.1
Connection: keep-alive
sec-ch-ua: “Chromium”;v=”92″, ” Not A;Brand”;v=”99″, “Google Chrome”;v=”92″
sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0
User-Agent: “Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.102 Safari/537.36
Accept: text/css,*/*;q=0.1
Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
Sec-Fetch-Mode: no-cors
Sec-Fetch-Dest: style
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
Cookie: JSESSIONID=0330C2C988F31010790779A126EA6F55.node1; COOKIE_SUPPORT=true; GUEST_LANGUAGE_ID=en_US; AWSELB=039B496118DDEAD697B2B51C93852940763289C324F9E7C7223F953330AF5506573D13C4D5599541FD3CADB645303C1CAEB6D26992826965DA6C8BEDBDE9C297AE26CD76ED; AWSELBCORS=039B496118DDEAD697B2B51C93852940763289C324F9E7C7223F953330AF5506573D13C4D5599541FD3CADB645303C1CAEB6D26992826965DA6C8BEDBDE9C297AE26CD76ED; TS0194d418=01092b79076749232d762d2a6c232e015d103453fbeda3826bd3d20e1d937f5a90cabe03655c97a79198969eea539e4c2e7fc426216092c78ccda85763d52300ce05672704e45b4fc25516d2c24279656db7b0242f7c8b9c8bfed35b7608afb0c54bbc33d489f431059d048094c1e707a20d28031885ca6c61f81613ac299044f0c2b9ba36


Headless run:

GET /o/telx-theme/css/A.bootstrap.css+slick,,_slick.css, HTTP/1.1
Connection: keep-alive
sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36
Accept: text/css,*/*;q=0.1
Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
Sec-Fetch-Mode: no-cors
Sec-Fetch-Dest: style
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: en-US
Cookie: JSESSIONID=F4293ECE33B134CC368C0E62D6923B48.node1; COOKIE_SUPPORT=true; GUEST_LANGUAGE_ID=en_US; AWSELB=039B496118DDEAD697B2B51C93852940763289C324A5AB24AE470C70960B5319A93C181302D27B4C9425A4AA05795334C4404D491FBCC8E6A9B809746A802EAC2EC8C2FBFA; AWSELBCORS=039B496118DDEAD697B2B51C93852940763289C324A5AB24AE470C70960B5319A93C181302D27B4C9425A4AA05795334C4404D491FBCC8E6A9B809746A802EAC2EC8C2FBFA; TS0194d418=01ba3b12a4ef612e3839114024b5082fd19d56b17293c914ff867740ad37ae362e385934695ad3fc275074bfd1ee24c7d1591b146ad39d153a8758aecc8eb44d374dc1c689e540deca9566f723df65e9f5ad26551e25bacd5df14e4e6104a91a0ecdb59a65176bd5a0ebed284847e0e6618a05ed1d9db6b544e195d8e1f41164e7199a6596

Math Time – Delta Edition

An update to my previous mathematical analysis of covid transmission now that I’ve seen R0 estimates for this delta variant …

The R0 value for the delta variant seems to be between 5 and 8. Looks like just over 46% of the US population is vaccinated. The vaccines are published as being 90-something percent effective. That makes an effective transmission rate between (5 * (1- (0.46 * 0.95))) and (8 * (1- (0.46 * 0.9))). Between 2.9 and 4.7 — somewhat surprising given the R0 of slightly under 3 that was published at the start of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. That means that, as health orders and mandates are lifted, we’re basically exactly where we were a year ago even though about half the population is vaccinated.

A mathematically interesting thing — if you could get the vaccine efficacy up to 100% (a third shot, a tenth shot, a different vaccine, whatever)? We’d still have an effective transmission rate between 2.7 and 4.3 — the value goes down, but not significantly. On the other hand, increasing the percentage of fully vaccinated individuals by 10% gives us an effective rate of transmission between 2.5 and 4.0. Having 70% of the population vaccinated would yield an effective rate of transmission between 1.8 and 3.0. We’d need to get somewhere between 90 and 98% of the population vaccinated to bring the delta variant’s effective rate down below 1 (the point where it would die out naturally)!

That tells me this virus is going to be around for a long time — especially since the R0 for some upcoming variants might be higher. Also, I’m curious to see if the government authorizes a third dose given the minimal impact increasing efficacy has on the effective rate of spread.

Fortify on Demand Remediation: Command Injection

Any time user input is used to shell out and execute a command, you risk the user executing more than you want. I can string together commands in DOS using &, in Unix using ; … and stringing together commands and then executing them can blow things up spectacularly.

You can add any sort of filter to the user input to sort this … however, it doesn’t absolutely mean the vulnerability doesn’t exist. If your “user” input is trusted (in this case, it’s an automated process where some code calls some other code … so “passing” is good enough), no big. But if there are actual users involved, you should also filter out any characters that are used to string commands together.

Estados Unidos Mexicanos -v- US Gun Manufacturers

Interesting approach, especially considering that the American government has a fairly long history of saying “hey, y’all — your drug cartels are a huge problem that you need to get sorted” — Mexico has sued a list of US gun manufacturers in US District Court in Mass (1:21-cv-11269). “Defendants have a duty not to supply the criminal market in Mexico” and details how Mexico feels the defendants have failed in this duty.

Fortify on Demand Remediation — Cross-Site Scripting DOM (JS)

This vulnerability occurs when you accept user input or gather input from a AJAX call to another web site and then use that input in output. The solution is to sanitize the input, but Fortify on Demand seems to object strenuously to setting innerHTML … so filtering alone may not be sufficient depending on how you subsequently use the data.

To sanitize a string in JavaScript, use a function like this:

 * Sanitize and encode all HTML in a string
 * @param  {string} str  The input string
 * @return {string} –    The sanitized string
 var sanitizeHTML = function (str) {
    return str.replace(/&/g‘&amp;’).replace(/</g‘&lt;’).replace(/>/g‘&gt;’);

This will replace ampersands and the < and > from potential HTML tags with the HTML-encoded equivalents. To avoid using innerHTML, you might need to get a little creative. In many cases, I have a span where the results are displayed. I color-code the results based on success/failure … in that case, I an replace innerHTML with a combination of setting the css color style element to ‘green’ or ‘red’ then setting the innerText to my message string.

I can bold an entire element using a similar method. Changing some of the text, however … I haven’t come up with anything other than breaking the message into multiple HTML elements. E.g. a span for “msgStart”, one for “msgMiddle”, and one for “msgEnd” – I can then bold “msgMiddle” and set innerText for all three elements.