Month: July 2023

*Un*Registering SysInternals ProcMon as Task Manager Replacement

I like the sysinternals tools — I use them frequently at work. But, generally? When trying to look at the running Windows processes or how much memory is being used … I need a really small, simple tool that doesn’t add to the bogging that’s already happening. Which is why I hate when people replace taskmgr.exe with the SysInternals task manager on steroids. It’s too much information. The worst part is that the menu option to replace task manager doesn’t un-replace it.

To accomplish that — to revert to the real Windows task manager — you need to edit the registry. Navigate to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\taskmgr.exe and remove the key named “Debugger” which points to the SysInternals binary.

Tableau Upgrade Failure

Attempting to upgrade Tableau from 2021.something to 2022.3.5 repeatedly failed with the following error in the upgrade log:

Failed with the error "Detected the old version of Tableau Server takes precedence on the system PATH".


And there were all sorts of things online to try — most of which involved changing the environment variables Tableau sets. But they weren’t wrong … or, rather, it was impossible to tell which was “right”: the new version I was trying to install or the old version that was still running. On a whim, I thought I’d try an admin-level command prompt. Opening the command prompt with the “Run as administrator” option allowed me to upgrade the server.

Except … I upgraded another server the next night. I knew to launch the command prompt in administrator mode, but I was incredibly dismayed to encounter the exact same error. Even using an admin level command prompt. Then it occurred to me — Windows evaluates the environment variables when you launch the shell (in fairness, every Unix/Linux variant I’ve encountered does the same thing). The installer must be changing the Tableau environment variables. If you use a command prompt that was open prior to running the installer … you don’t have the new values. You have the old ones — so the environment variable, as seen by the upgrade script, is pointing to an older version of Tableau. Launch a new command prompt, re-evaluate the environment variables, and the script now sees the proper version. Hopefully my next upgrade won’t include a panic inducing “yeah, that’s not gonna happen” error!

Counting Messages in All Kafka Topics

For some reason, I am given a lot of Kafka instances that no one knows what they are or what they do. The first step, generally, is figuring out if it does anything. Because a server that no one has sent a message to in a year or two … well, there’s not much point in bringing it up to standard, monitoring it, and such. My first glance analysis has been just counting all of the messages in all of the topics to see which topics are actually used — quick bash script to accomplish this (presuming a Kafka broker is on port 9092 of the host running the script)

strTopics=$(./ --list --bootstrap-server $(hostname):9092)


for i in "${arrayTopics[@]}"; do iMessages=`./ --bootstrap-server $(hostname):9092 --topic $i --property print.timestamp=true --from-beginning --timeout-ms=10000 2>&1 | grep "Processed a total of"`;         echo "$i     $iMessages"; done

NEO4J: Exploring the Data

Since I seem to frequently acquire orphaned platforms with no documentation, I figure it would be good to figure out how to investigate an unknown NEO4J platform to see what it’s got. “SHOW” is very useful in these cases. The full list of SHOW commands is:


The most useful ones for figuring out what you’ve got … the “show databases” command I know from MySQL/MariaDB does what I expected – you can also include a specific database name, but “show database ljrtest” doesn’t appear to list any more information than the generic show databases command. .

There’s also a “show users” command that outputs the users in the database – although I’m using the community edition without authentication, so there isn’t much interesting information being output here.

And roles, if roles are being used, should be output with “SHOW ALL ROLES” … but mine just says “Unsupported administration command”

Once you know what databases you’ve got and who can log in and do stuff, we’d want to look at the data. There are some built-in functions that will help us out here. The db.labels() function will list the labels in the selected database.

You can also return a distinct list of labels along with the count of nodes with that label:

Since a node can have multiple, comparing that total with a count of nodes would give you an idea if there are many more labels than nodes. In my case, either view shows 156 … so I know there are few (if any) nodes with multiple labels.

To view the types of relationships defined in the selected database, use “CALL db.relationshipTypes()”

Similarly, you can return the relationship types along with counts

There is a function to list the property keys used within the data – interesting to note that keys that were used but the nodes using them were subsequently deleted … they still show up as property keys. Basically, anything that is there is on this list but some things on this list may not be there anymore. In this example, ‘parentm’ and ‘parentf’ were labels I used to build relationships programmatically.

I’ve found db.schema.nodeTypeProperties to be more useful in this regard – it does not appear to list properties that are not in use, and the output includes field types

To see if there are any custom procedures or functions registered, look on the server(s). Use ps -efww to view the running command – there will be some folders listed after “-cp” … you could find procedures or plugins in any of those folders. In my case, the plugins are in /plugins

And the only “custom” things registered are the APOC and APOC-Extended jar’s


Tableau PostgreSQL Query: Finding All Datasources of Name or Type

I frequently need to find details on a data source based on its name and find all data sources of a particular type. Particularly, the Microsoft Graph permissions required to use Sharepoint and OneDrive data within Tableau changed — I needed to reach out to individuals who use those data types to build a business case for the Security organization to approve the new permissions be added to our tenant.

-- Query to find all data sources of a specific type or name 
select,,, datasources.created_at, datasources.updated_at, datasources.db_class, datasources.db_name
, datasources.site_id, as SiteName, as ProjectName, as WorkbookName
from datasources
left outer join users on = datasources.owner_id
left outer join system_users on users.system_user_id =
left outer join sites on datasources.site_id =
left outer join projects on datasources.project_id =
left outer join workbooks on datasources.parent_workbook_id =
-- where like '%Sheet1 (LJR Sample%'
where datasources.db_class = 'onedrive'
order by

Neo4J – The Importance of the Data Model

While I am certain table-based SQL databases required planning to establish a reasonable data model – optimizing storage, defining foreign keys, indexing … I have found it more challenging to create a good data model in Neo4j. Maybe that’s because I normally populate SQL tables with custom scripts that can be modified to handle all sorts of edge cases. Maybe I’m still thinking in tables, but there seems to be more trial and error in defining the data model than I’ve ever had in SQL databases.

In the import-from-html-table example, a candidate often is associated with multiple elections. Storing candidates as nodes and elections as other nodes that contain results (electoral college votes for winner & loser and popular votes for winner & loser) then associating candidates with elections allowed me to store data about US elections in the Graph. I know who ran, who won and who lost, and what the results were for each election.

Associating the results with candidates didn’t work because Franklin D Roosevelt only has one property for “EC_VOTES” … which election does that reflect? I could also have added the vote totals to the relationship but that would either separate the data (the loser’s votes are stored on LOST relationships and the winner’s are stored on WON relationships) or data duplication (both WON and LOST relationships contain the same vote numbers).

Query used to populate the data:

CALL apoc.load.html("",
{electionyear: "#listtable tbody tr td:eq(0)"
, winner: "#listtable tbody tr td:eq(1)"
, loser: "#listtable tbody tr td:eq(2)"
, electoral_win: "#listtable tbody tr td:eq(3)"
, electoral_lose: "#listtable tbody tr td:eq(4)"
, popular_win: "#listtable tbody tr td:eq(5)"
, popular_delta: "#listtable tbody tr td:eq(6)" }) yield value
WITH value, size(value.electionyear) as rangeup

UNWIND range(0,rangeup) as i WITH value.electionyear[i].text as ElectionYear
, value.winner[i].text as Winner, value.loser[i].text as Loser
, value.electoral_win[i].text as EC_Winner, value.electoral_lose[i].text as EC_Loser
, value.popular_win[i].text as Pop_Vote_Winner
, value.popular_delta[i].text as Pop_Vote_Margin

MERGE (election:Election {year: coalesce(ElectionYear,"Unknown")})
SET election.EC_Votes_Winner = coalesce(EC_Winner,"Unknown")
SET election.EC_Votes_Loser = coalesce(EC_Loser,"Unknown")
SET election.Pop_Votes_Winner = apoc.text.replace(Pop_Vote_Winner, ",", "")
SET election.Pop_Votes_Loser = apoc.number.exact.sub(apoc.text.replace(Pop_Vote_Winner, ",", ""), apoc.text.replace(Pop_Vote_Margin, ",", ""))

MERGE (ew:CANDIDATE {name: coalesce(Winner,"Unknown")})
MERGE (el:CANDIDATE {name: coalesce(Loser,"Unknown")})

MERGE (ew)-[:WON]->(election) MERGE (el)-[:LOST]->(election);


NEO4J: More Cypher Queries

To get a count of returned records, Cypher uses COUNT pretty much the same way as SQL does

Interestingly, there are other aggregation functions that remind me of using the ELK API — I can get averages, min/max, and standard deviation.


Chaining MATCH statements functions similarly to a SQL JOIN — get the items with this label, add in some other stuff. And, just like an INNER JOIN, this means no data is returned when one of the conditions has no matches — Bill Clinton never lost an election, so we get a null data set here:

The equivalent of an outer join is an OPTIONAL MATCH — here, the records from the first MATCH will be returned even if there is no corresponding record matching the second MATCH

ORDER BY also works in the same way it does in SQL. Multiple order parameters are separated by a comma and add DESC to do a DESCENDING ORDER

WHERE can be used to create the equivalent of a LIKE query — the where =~ operator uses regular expression syntax, so you don’t just use % or * as a wildcard. Regex wildcards like .* (match any character zero or more times) are used.

Tableau PostgreSQL Query: Stats About Data Source Types

I wanted to report on the different types of data sources used in our Tableau instance — as well as show how many of each type are in use.

-- Query to found how many of each data source type
select datasources.db_class, count(datasources.db_class) as count
from datasources
left outer join users on = datasources.owner_id
left outer join system_users on users.system_user_id =
left outer join sites on datasources.site_id =
left outer join projects on datasources.project_id =
left outer join workbooks on datasources.parent_workbook_id =
group by datasources.db_class 
order by count desc ;

Answer: About half of them are Oracle!

NEO4J: Using APOC To Load HTML Table Data

I’ve been playing around with loading neo4j data from random tables on the web using apoc.load.html from the extended APOC library. The first trick to it is knowing how to use jquery to find elements of a webpage — the table named “listtable” then the path down to the data elements (tbody tr td) and column numbers.

Once you have extracted the data, you can then manipulate it, map it into fields, create relationships, etc.

UNWIND is used as a “for each” loop that allows us to iterate through the result set.

MERGE creates or updates records (which, in this case, means I have a poor data model … someone could well have run in multiple elections and I am not really accommodating those cases well. Since I don’t actually want a database of presidential elections but was really just testing some new-to-me functionality … we’re going to ignore these logic problems)

SET adds (or updates) properties of the node.

CALL apoc.load.html("",
{electionyear: "#listtable tbody tr td:eq(0)"
	, winner: "#listtable tbody tr td:eq(1)"
	, loser: "#listtable tbody tr td:eq(2)"
	, electoral_win: "#listtable tbody tr td:eq(3)"
	, electoral_lose: "#listtable tbody tr td:eq(4)"
	, popular_win: "#listtable tbody tr td:eq(5)"
	, popular_delta: "#listtable tbody tr td:eq(6)" }) yield value 

WITH value, size(value.electionyear) as rangeup

UNWIND range(0,rangeup) as i WITH value.electionyear[i].text as ElectionYear
	, value.winner[i].text as Winner
	, value.loser[i].text as Loser
	, value.electoral_win[i].text as EC_Winner
	, value.electoral_lose[i].text as EC_Loser
	, value.popular_win[i].text as Pop_Vote_Winner
	, value.popular_delta[i].text as Pop_Vote_Delta

MERGE (ew:Candidate {name: coalesce(Winner,"Unknown")}) 
MERGE (el:Record {name: coalesce(Loser,"Unknown")}) 
SET ew.EC_Votes = coalesce(EC_Winner,"Unknown") 
SET el.EC_Votes = coalesce(EC_Loser,"Unknown")
SET ew.Year = ElectionYear
SET el.Year = ElectionYear

WITH *, replace(Pop_Vote_Delta,",","") as Pop_Vote_Delta_Int, replace(Pop_Vote_Winner,",","") as Pop_Winner_Int

SET ew.Pop_Votes = Pop_Winner_Int
SET el.Pop_Votes = apoc.number.exact.sub(Pop_Winner_Int, Pop_Vote_Delta_Int)

MERGE (ew)-[:DEFEATED]->(el);