Tag: ADO

ADO Notifications

I’ve been underwhelmed with the notifications I get from Azure DevOps – there are a lot of build-centric notifications, but I don’t use ADO for builds or deployment apart from playing around. And I really don’t care if the silly test project I set up to build and deploy a website worked, failed, or whatever. I was thinking about hooking whatever they’re calling Flow this week up to ADO and building notification workflows.

Fortunately, a coworker mentioned that you can customize notifications in ADO … which, I’d spent a few seconds poking around and didn’t see anything. But I spent more than a few seconds this time and happened across this little ellipsis on the card that pops up when I click the circle with my initials in it. More options!

A new menu flies out; and, look, there’s “Notifications”

Exactly as I’ve observed, there are a lot of build-centric alerts. So I created a new subscription.

Here’s a subscription that I hope will notify me when items assigned to me have updates to activity or comments.