Tag: Completed

Independence Day Skirt

WooHoo! I finished another sewing project — this one is Anya’s 4th of July skirt. It’s a fabric from Northcott’s Stonehenge Stars & Strips line (20159-30). I think the fabric is not so flag-like that it looks silly on the 364 other days of the year, but it is right festive enough for the holiday.


Star Blanket

(Continued from previous post) Here is the blanket I crochet for Anya before she was born — it took a very long time, and I had the hardest time finding the right yarn for ‘violet’. I think this is too dark, really, for the rest of the colors. But I was not going to use six divisions of the spectrum, and I certainly was not going to unravel enough to get rid of the orange!


Of the purple yarns that I have, this is the color Scott preferred for the blanket. It’ll do. When she’s a little older, I’ll make a simpler rectangle blanket for her to use in the car seat. For now, she is so small that we’re using a tiny little rectangular ripple blanket that I made.

Valley Yarn’s Stockbridge yarn felts beautifully – I washed and dried the finished blanket several times and have a warm, thick blanket that retained the star shape perfectly. The stitches are not as well defined as the examples on the pattern’s page, but it is exactly what I wanted.