Setting Up DNSSEC

Last time I played around with the DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC), the root and .com zones were not signed. Which meant you had to manually establish trusts before there was any sort of validation happening. Since the corporate standard image didn’t support DNSSEC anyway … wasn’t much point on either the server or client side. I saw ICANN postponed a key rollover for root a few days ago, and realized hey, root is signed now. D’oh, way to keep up, huh?

So we’re going to sign the company zones and make sure our clients are actually looking at zone signatures when they exist. Step #1 – signing our test zone. I do this in a screen session because it can take a long time to generate a key. If the process gets interrupted for whatever reason, you get to start ALL OVER. I am using ISC Bind – how to do this on any other platform, well LMGTFY 🙂

# Start a screen session
screen -S LJR-DNSSEC-KeyGen
# Use dnssec-keygen to create a zone signing key (ZSK) – bit value is personal preference
dnssec-keygen -a NSEC3RSASHA1 -b 2048 -n ZONE rushworth.us
# Then use dnssec-keygen to create a key signing key (KSK) – bit value is still personal preference
dnssec-keygen -f KSK -a NSEC3RSASHA1 -b 4096 -n ZONE rushworth.us

Grab the content of the *.key files and append them to your zone