Start of the access path — there’s an old apple tree to the right
Down the path to the midway point of the wood chips — we’re continuing around the bend to level the ground and lay more chips.
We got the peanut butter fence up on the farm — Scott and Anya attached the metal strips, and I smeared the with peanut butter. Since they are connected to an electric fence line, the idea is that a deer will lick at the peanut butter (evidently something they really like) and get an unpleasant jolt. It’s a solar energizer, so not too unpleasant. But enough for them to think “I’m gonna go eat this other green leafy stuff!”.
We started our three sisters planting today — about 660 sq ft of tilled soil. I found an open pollinated SH2 corn developed by Kultursaatin in Germany, which we planted today. Anya interspersed the field with Rouge Vif D’Etampes pumpkins. In about two weeks, we’ll add scarlet runner beans. Even if we don’t produce enough to sell this year, we’ll grow enough seeds to expand the garden area this year.