Tag: openssl

Verifying Public and Private Keys Go Together

I have no idea how exactly I managed this — but I was renewing certificates on a group of servers and had one that would not work. It’s a Java app, and it just threw a generic handshake error. Even adding debugging didn’t add any useful information. It just didn’t work. Turns out my pubilc key and private key files didn’t go together. I didn’t bother figuring out which one I got wrong — I just downloaded the zip file from our cert provider again.

Using openssl to check the modulus of the cert and key — by getting an md5 checksum of the value, it’s a little easier to compare. This public private key pair go together — they’ve got the same modulus. My original files? Not so much — two different values!

linux1570:certs # openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in /opt/elk/opensearch_config/certs/20240722/$(hostname).pem | openssl md5
(stdin)= 52ca3e85fa7cb564dd395a8f801f9bdf
linux1570:certs # openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in /opt/elk/opensearch_config/certs/20240722/$(hostname)-nopass.key | openssl md5
(stdin)= 52ca3e85fa7cb564dd395a8f801f9bdf

Certificate Generation Script

I finally put together a script that gathers some basic information (hostname & SAN’s) and creates a certificate signed against my CA. I’ve got a base myssl.cnf file that ends with

[ req_ext ]
subjectAltName = @alt_names

[ alt_names ]

The script appends all of the alternate names to the myssl.cnf file.


NC='\033[0m' # Reset

function getInput {
        echo -e "${BLUE_DARK}Please input the short hostname you wish to use (e.g. server123):${NC}"
        read HOST

        echo -e "${BLUE_DARK}Please input the domain name you wish to use with this hostname (e.g. rushworth.us):${NC}"
        read DOMAIN

        echo -e "${GREEN_DARK}Please enter any SAN values for this certificate, separated by spaces (must be fully qualified):${NC}"
        read SANS


        echo -e "Short hostname: $HOST"
        echo -e "Fully qualified hostname: $FQHOST"
        echo -e "SAN: $SANS"

        echo -e "${RED_DARK}Is this correct? (Y/N):${NC}"
        read boolCorrect

        if [ $boolCorrect == 'Y' ] || [ $boolCorrect == 'y' ]
                mkdir $HOST
                echo $HOST
                cp myssl.cnf "./$HOST/myssl.cnf"

                cd "./$HOST"

                echo "The following SANs will be used on this certificate: "
                echo "DNS.1 = ${FQHOST}"
                echo "DNS.1 = ${FQHOST}" >> ./myssl.cnf
                echo "DNS.2 = ${HOST}"
                echo "DNS.2 = ${HOST}" >> ./myssl.cnf

                if [ -n "$SANS" ]
                        SANARRAY=( $SANS )
                        for SANITEM in "${SANARRAY[@]}" ; do
                                let iSANCounter=iSANCounter+1
                                echo "DNS.${iSANCounter} = ${SANITEM}"
                                echo "DNS.${iSANCounter} = ${SANITEM}" >> ./myssl.cnf
                export strCertKeyPassword=Wh1t2v2rP144w9rd
                export strPFXPassword=123abc456
                openssl genrsa -passout env:strCertKeyPassword -aes256 -out $FQHOST.passwd.key 2048
                openssl req -new -key $FQHOST.passwd.key -passin env:strCertKeyPassword -config ./myssl.cnf -reqexts req_ext -out $FQHOST.csr -subj "/C=US/ST=Ohio/L=Cleveland/O=Rushworth/OU=Home/CN=$FQHOST"
                openssl x509 -req -in $FQHOST.csr -passin env:strCertKeyPassword -extensions req_ext -extfile ./myssl.cnf -out $FQHOST.cer -days 365 -CA /ca/ca.cer -CAkey /ca/ca.key -sha256
                openssl rsa -in $FQHOST.passwd.key -out $FQHOST.key -passin pass:$strCertKeyPassword -passin env:strCertKeyPassword
                openssl pkcs12 -export -out $FQHOST.pfx -inkey $FQHOST.key -in $FQHOST.cer -passout env:strPFXPassword



There’s an encrypted private key and a non-encrypted private key. Because I have some Windows servers — Exchange and Active Directory — I create a PFX file too.


SAN Certificates From OpenSSL CA

For some reason, I had to combine three different sets of instructions to get a SAN added to my certificate. Getting the SAN into the request was easy enough … but actually carrying the extension through to the signed certificate was a significant challenge. There may be unnecessary changes in my custom config file, but this process worked. 

cp /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf ./myssl.cnf

Edit the copied file (i.e. don’t change your OpenSSL default config)
# Uncomment:
copy_extensions = copy
# Uncomment:
req_extensions = v3_req # The extensions to add to a certificate request


# Add:
[ req_ext ]
subjectAltName = @alt_names

[ alt_names ]
DNS.1 = exchange01.rushworth.us
DNS.2 = exchange01


Save the file and we’re ready to create a certificate. Make a key

openssl genrsa -aes256 -out exchange01.rushworth.us.key 2048

Then create the cert request using the copied config file. Include the -reqexts option with value of the section of your custom file that includes subjectAltName (e.g. it is called req_ext in my cnf file, so I used -reqexts req_ext)
openssl req -new -key exchange01.rushworth.us.key -config ./myssl.cnf -reqexts req_ext -out exchange01.rushworth.us.csr

Sign the request against your CA – again using the custom config file and req_ext extensions
openssl x509 -req -in exchange01.rushworth.us.csr -extensions req_ext -extfile ./myssl.cnf -out exchange01.rushworth.us.cer -days 365 -CA /ca/ca.cer -CAkey /ca/ca.key -sha256

Before doing anything else, verify that your SAN values are in the certificate

[lisa@linux02]# openssl x509 -in exchange01.rushworth.us.cer -text | grep -A1 Alternative
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
DNS:exchange01.rushworth.us, DNS:exchange01

If you are using the certificate in something that understands PEM nodes, you are set. If you are trying to get a certificate for a Windows server, create a PFX export of the public/private key pair and then import the PFX to your computer’s personal certificate store.

openssl pkcs12 -export -out exchange01.rushworth.us.pfx -inkey exchange01.rushworth.us.key -in exchange01.rushworth.us.cer

OpenSSL As A Trusted CA

There are wrappers for OpenSSL that provide certificate authority functionality, but I found myself spending a lot of time trying to get any to work. Since I only wanted to generate a few internal certificates (i.e. not something that needed a simple interface for non-techies), so I set up an OpenSSL certificate authority and used it to sign certificates.

First, generate a public/private keypair for your CA (use however many days you want, this is ten years:

openssl genrsa -aes256 -out ca.key 2048
openssl req -new -x509 -key ca.key -out ca.cer -days 3652 -sha256

Take ca.cer and publish it in our domain GPO as a trusted root certificate authority (Computer Configuration => Policies => Windows Settings => Security Settings => Public Key Policies => Trusted Root Certification Authorities)

If you are impatient, force client to update GPO. Otherwise wait. Eventually you will see your CA in the Windows computer’s certificate store as a trusted root certification authority.

Now generate certificate(s) against the CA (again use whatever value for days is reasonable for your purpose):

openssl genrsa -aes256 -out gitlab.rushworth.us.key 2048
openssl req -new -key gitlab.rushworth.us.key -out gitlab.rushworth.us.req
openssl x509 -req -in gitlab.rushworth.us.req -out gitlab.rushworth.us.cer -days 365 -CA /ca/ca.cer -CAkey /ca/ca.key -sha256 -CAcreateserial

On subsequent requests, you can omit the “-CAcreateserial” option.

In domain clients will trust your certificate. Non-domain clients will need to import the CA public key to their trust store.