Tag: shell

SSL Connection Failure from Docker Image

We have a script that’s used to securely retrieve passwords … a script which failed when run from a Docker container.

* could not load PEM client certificate, OpenSSL error error:140AB18E:SSL routines:SSL_CTX_use_certificate:ca md too weak, (no key found, wrong pass phrase, or wrong file format?)

Appears root of issue is tied to Debian OS that’s used in the python:3.7-slim container that’s being used. Newer iterations of some Linux OS’s have a default setting in the openssl config that provide a setting for SSL_CTX_set_security_level that precludes communication with password server.

Remediating this at the server end is not a reasonable approach, so client config needs to be changed to allow connection to be established. Setting security level to 1 allows connection to proceed, so proposed including additional instruction in Dockerfile that uses sed to update the configuration parameter.

sed -i 's/DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=2/DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=1/' /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf

Once that setting was updated, the script worked perfectly as it does on our physical and VM servers.

Useful Bash Commands

Viewing Log Files

Tailing the File

When the same file name is used when logs are rotated (i.e. app.log is renamed to app.yyyymmdd.log and a new app.log is created), use the -F flag to follow the name instead of the file descriptor

tail -F /var/log/app.log

Tailing with Filtering

When you are looking for something specific in the log file, it often helps to run the log output through grep. This example watches a sendmail log for communication with the host

tail -F /var/log/maillog | grep ""

Handling Log Files with Date Specific Naming

I alias out commands for viewing commonly read log files. This is easy enough when the current log file is always /var/log/application/content.log, but some active log files have date components in the file name. As an example, our Postgresql servers have the short day-of-week string in the log. Use command substitution to get the date-specific elements from the date executable. Here, I tail a file named postgresql-Tue.log on Tuesday. Since logs rotate to a new name, tail -F doesn’t really do anything. You’ll still need to ctrl-c the tail and restart it for the next day.

tail -f /pgdata/log/postgresql-$(date +%a).log