Tag: sqlite3

Gerbera – Searching for Playlists

Summary: Playlist items are not returned from searches initiated on my uPNP client. The playlist is visible when browsing the Gerbera web UI under Playlists->All Playlists->Playlist Name and Playlists->Directories->Playlists->Playlist Name

Action: In a uPNP client, search using the criteria upnp:class = "object.container.playlistContainer" and dc:title = "Playlist Name",

Expected Results: Playlist matching search criteria is returned
Actual Results: No results are returned

From the Gerbera debug log, the search being executed is:

SELECT DISTINCT "c"."id", "c"."ref_id",
"c"."parent_id", "c"."object_type", "c"."upnp_class", "c"."dc_title",
"c"."mime_type" , "c"."flags", "c"."part_number", "c"."track_number",
"c"."location", "c"."last_modified", "c"."last_updated"
FROM "mt_cds_object" "c"
INNER JOIN "mt_metadata" "m" ON "c"."id" = "m"."item_id"
INNER JOIN "grb_cds_resource" "re" ON "c"."id" = "re"."item_id"
WHERE (LOWER("c"."upnp_class")=LOWER('object.container.playlistContainer'))
AND (LOWER("c"."dc_title")=LOWER('Playlist Name'))
ORDER BY "c"."dc_title" ASC;

The playlists do not have a row in the grb_cds_resource table, so the “INNER JOIN” means the query returns no records.

I am able to work around this issue by manually inserting playlist items into the grb_cds_resource table

INSERT INTO grb_cds_resource (item_id, res_id, handlerType) VALUES (1235555,0,0);

If I have some time, I want to test changing join2 to be a left outer join and see if that breaks anything.