Tag: stuffler

Stuffler Pizza

Scott saw this “Stuffler” in a video and got one to try it out — very cool! We made fruit stuff waffles with sweet cherries, strawberry stuffed chocolate brownies (difficult to clean up, but if you let it cool in the stuffler prior to removing it, they come right out), chaffles, and now pizza. You plug the thing in for about ten minutes to heat it up. The middle ring/handle needs to be inserted and the unit closed while it heats.

First, stretch out a round of dough and place it on the bottom waffle iron section. I tried to stretch the dough up the side of the ring like a pie crust. Took a little work, but managed eventually.

Spread on the pizza sauce and add whatever “toppings” — in this case, some cooked spicy Italian sausage and onions.

Add cheese!

Then stretch out another disk of dough and put it on top. I pressed the edge together to try and seal it all up.

Then close it up & flip it. Allow it to cook. I cooked them for 10 minutes, flipped the unit again, and cooked them for another 5 minutes. They puffed up nicely and had a brown, crispy crust.

The sausage leaked some oil — I should have drained it better!

Cut the “stuffle” into four pieces and you’ve got gooey, cheesy pizza waffles! Pizza dough with four cups of flour made seven stuffed pizzas. I’ve got three in the freezer to see how well they reheat.


I’ve never heard of a “chaffle” before — it’s evidently a paleo / keto take on a waffle. 3 cups of shredded cheese (2 cups cheddar / 1 cup mozzarella) and about 3 eggs mixed together so the egg coats all of the cheese shreds well. Then put into a waffle iron. For extra crispy crunch, I sprinkled some panko onto the waffle plate, filled it with the “batter”, and sprinkled some more panko on top. Very crispy and crunchy!

Also very tasty! Like eating a grilled cheese sandwich, but the “bread” is really cheese too. I added a little salsa to the middle of the cheesy mixture before cooking it.