Counting Messages in All Kafka Topics

For some reason, I am given a lot of Kafka instances that no one knows what they are or what they do. The first step, generally, is figuring out if it does anything. Because a server that no one has sent a message to in a year or two … well, there’s not much point in bringing it up to standard, monitoring it, and such. My first glance analysis has been just counting all of the messages in all of the topics to see which topics are actually used — quick bash script to accomplish this (presuming a Kafka broker is on port 9092 of the host running the script)

strTopics=$(./ --list --bootstrap-server $(hostname):9092)


for i in "${arrayTopics[@]}"; do iMessages=`./ --bootstrap-server $(hostname):9092 --topic $i --property print.timestamp=true --from-beginning --timeout-ms=10000 2>&1 | grep "Processed a total of"`;         echo "$i     $iMessages"; done

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