Finally, create the tenants … we’re using OAUTH for Kibana authentication, so I wasn’t able to use the API to export “saved objects”. Fortunately, we don’t have many tenants … and exporting/importing those saved objects manually isn’t an onerous task.
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
def createTenant(strTenantName, strDescription):
jsonAddTenant = { "description": strDescription }
r2 = requests.put(f"{strTenantName}", json=jsonAddTenant, auth = HTTPBasicAuth('something', 'something'), verify=False)
# Get all tenants from ES
r = requests.get(f"", auth = HTTPBasicAuth('something', 'something'), verify=False)
dictAllTenants = r.json()
for item in dictAllTenants.items():
if item[1].get('reserved') == False:
createTenant(item[0], item[1].get('description'))