Sumo Logic: Creating Roles via API

This script creates very basic roles with no extra capabilities and restricts the role to viewing only the indicated source category’s data.

# This script reads an Excel file containing role data, then uses the Sumo Logic
# API to create roles based on the data. It checks each row for a role name and
# uses the source category to set data filters. The script requires a
# file with access credentials.
import pandas as pd
import requests
import json
from config import access_id, access_key  # Import credentials from

# Path to Excel file
excel_file_path = 'NewRoles.xlsx'

# Base URL for Sumo Logic API
base_url = ''

# Function to create a new role using the Sumo Logic API.
# Args:
#     role_name (str): The name of the role to create.
#     role_description (str): The description of the role.
#     source_category (str): The source category to restrict the role to.
# Returns:
#     None. Prints the status of the API call.
def create_role(role_name, role_description, source_category):
    url = f'{base_url}/roles'

    # Role payload
    data_filter = f'_sourceCategory={source_category}'
    payload = {
        'name': role_name,
        'description': role_description,
        'logAnalyticsDataFilter': data_filter,
        'auditDataFilter': data_filter,
        'securityDataFilter': data_filter

    # Headers for the request
    headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Accept': 'application/json'

    # Debugging line
    print(f"Attempting to create role: '{role_name}' with description: '{role_description}' and filter: '{data_filter}'")

    # Make the POST request to create a new role
    response =, auth=(access_id, access_key), headers=headers, data=json.dumps(payload))

    # Check the response
    if response.status_code == 201:
        print(f'Role {role_name} created successfully.')
        print(f'Failed to create role {role_name}. Status Code: {response.status_code}')
        print('Response:', response.json())

# Reads an Excel file and processes each row to extract role information and
# create roles using the Sumo Logic API.
# Args:
#     file_path (str): The path to the Excel file containing role data.
# Returns:
#     None. Processes the file and attempts to create roles based on the data.
def process_excel(file_path):
    # Load the spreadsheet
    df = pd.read_excel(file_path, engine='openpyxl')

    # Print column names to help debug and find correct ones
    print("Columns found in Excel:", df.columns)

    # Iterate over each row in the DataFrame
    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        role_name = row['Role Name']  # Correct column name for role name
        source_category = row['Source Category']  # Correct column name for source category to which role is restricted

        # Only create a role if the role name is not null
        if pd.notnull(role_name):
            role_description = f'Provides access to source category {source_category}'
            create_role(role_name, role_description, source_category)

# Process the Excel file

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