Linux Command: Column

Column is an interesting command – it will turn delimited text into, well, columns. Simply tell it you want a table (-t) and indicate what separator to use (-s). Optionally, you can add table column headers

[lisa@linux01 ~/]# cat /etc/group | column -t -s :
root              x  0      root,lisa
bin               x  1
daemon            x  2
passim            x  987

Alternately, you can use -J to get JSON-formatted output. Here you need the –table-columns as a comma delimited list of column names:

[lisa@linux01 ~/]# cat /etc/group | column -J -s : --table-columns "group,password,gid,members"
   "table": [
         "group": "root",
         "password": "x",
         "gid": "0",
         "members": "root,lisa"
         "group": "bin",
         "password": "x",
         "gid": "1",
         "members": null
         "group": "daemon",
         "password": "x",
         "gid": "2",
         "members": null
         "group": "passim",
         "password": "x",
         "gid": "987",
         "members": null

Which can then be parsed with jq

[lisa@linux01 ~/]# cat /etc/group | column -J -s : --table-columns "group,password,gid,members" | jq '[.table[] | {group: .group, members: .members}]'
    "group": "root",
    "members": "root,lisa"
    "group": "bin",
    "members": null
    "group": "daemon",
    "members": null
    "group": "passim",
    "members": null

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