Peanut Butter Oat Bites


1 1/2 cup old fashioned oats
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1 t vanilla extract
1 T carob powder
2 cups unsweetened peanut butter


Toast oats in a pan. Powder 1/2 cup of the oats in a food processor.

Toast the shredded coconut in a pan.

Place the peanut butter in a bowl. Stir in the vanilla.

Slowly add the powdered toasted oats and stir to combine. Add the carob powder.

Add the shredded coconut and whole oats. Stir to combine.

Using a tablespoon (or something similar – small ice cream scoop, small melon baller), scoop out some of the mixture. Using your hands, roll it into a ball. Place the balls on a lined cookie sheet and refrigerate for several hours.

These are a little bit like cookie dough — not as sweet since there’s no sugar added. You can add a tablespoon or two of honey if you prefer a sweeter treat.

Beware: an un-monitored tiny person may imitate the rolling process when eating these. They’re a little crumbly and make a huge mess.

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