A corollary to my JavaScript modifying checkbox values when the box is checked or unchecked … I needed a way to reset the form (in my form, the default is for the boxes to be checked and the value to be 1). The following code identifies all checkboxes with a particular class, checks them, and sets the value to 1.
* This function checks off each checkbox of the input class
* @param {string} strCheckboxClass Name of class identifying in-scope checkboxes
* @return {null}
* @example
* checkAllDatabases ('MyBoxes');
function checkAllDatabases(strCheckboxClass){
arrayCheckboxes = $('.'+strCheckboxClass);
for(i = 0; i < arrayCheckboxes.length; i++) {
$( '#'+arrayCheckboxes[i].name).prop( "checked", true );
$( '#'+arrayCheckboxes[i].name).val(1);