Our production Postgresql servers have a fairly restrictive IP access control list — which means you cannot VPN in and query the server. We’ve been using DBeaver with an SSH tunnel to connect, but it’s a bit time consuming to run a query across all of the servers for monitoring and troubleshooting. To work around the restriction, I built a python script that uses an SSH tunnel to relay communications to the Postgresql servers.
import psycopg2
from sshtunnel import SSHTunnelForwarder
from config import strSSHRelayHost, iSSHRelayPort, strSSHRelayUser, strSSHAuthKeyFile, dictHost
# In the config.py, dictHost should contain the following information
# dictHost = {"host":"dbserver.example.com","port":5432,"database": "dbname", "username":"dbuser", "password":"S3cr3tPhr@5e"}
# Example query -- listing out locks
sqlQuery = "WITH RECURSIVE l AS ( SELECT pid, locktype, mode, granted, ROW(locktype,database,relation,page,tuple,virtualxid,transactionid,classid,objid,objsubid) obj FROM pg_locks ), pairs AS ( SELECT w.pid waiter, l.pid locker, l.obj, l.mode FROM l w JOIN l ON l.obj IS NOT DISTINCT FROM w.obj AND l.locktype=w.locktype AND NOT l.pid=w.pid AND l.granted WHERE NOT w.granted ), tree AS ( SELECT l.locker pid, l.locker root, NULL::record obj, NULL AS mode, 0 lvl, locker::text path, array_agg(l.locker) OVER () all_pids FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT locker FROM pairs l WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pairs WHERE waiter=l.locker) ) l UNION ALL SELECT w.waiter pid, tree.root, w.obj, w.mode, tree.lvl+1, tree.path||'.'||w.waiter, all_pids || array_agg(w.waiter) OVER () FROM tree JOIN pairs w ON tree.pid=w.locker AND NOT w.waiter = ANY ( all_pids )) SELECT (clock_timestamp() - a.xact_start)::interval(3) AS ts_age, replace(a.state, 'idle in transaction', 'idletx') state, (clock_timestamp() - state_change)::interval(3) AS change_age, a.datname,tree.pid,a.usename,a.client_addr,lvl, (SELECT count(*) FROM tree p WHERE p.path ~ ('^'||tree.path) AND NOT p.path=tree.path) blocked, repeat(' .', lvl)||' '||left(regexp_replace(query, 's+', ' ', 'g'),100) query FROM tree JOIN pg_stat_activity a USING (pid) ORDER BY path"
with SSHTunnelForwarder( (strSSHRelayHost, iSSHRelayPort), ssh_username=strSSHRelayUser, ssh_private_key=strSSHAuthKeyFile, local_bind_address=("localhost",55432), remote_bind_address=(dictHost.get('host'), dictHost.get('port'))) as server:
# Alternately, you can use password authentication
#with SSHTunnelForwarder( (strSSHRelayHost, iSSHRelayPort), ssh_username=strSSHRelayUser, ssh_password=strSSHRelayUserPass, local_bind_address=("localhost",55432), remote_bind_address=(dictHost.get('host'), dictHost.get('port'))) as server:
if server is not None:
#print("Tunnel server connected")
params = {'database': dictHost.get('database'),'user': dictHost.get('username'),'password': dictHost.get('password'), 'host': server.local_bind_host, 'port': server.local_bind_port}
conn = psycopg2.connect(**params)
cursor = conn.cursor()
column_names = [desc[0] for desc in cursor.description]
rows = cursor.fetchall()
for row in rows:
if conn is not None:
print("Unable to establish SSH tunnel")