Apache HTTPD Log File Analysis — Hits by IP Address

When we are decommissioning a website (or web server), I always watch the log files to ensure there aren’t a lot of people still accessing it. Sometimes there are and it’s worth tracking them down individually to clue them into the site’s eminent demise. Usually there aren’t, and it’s just a confirmation that our decommissioning efforts won’t be impactful.

This python script looks for IP addresses in the log files and outputs each IP & it’s access count per log file. Not great if you’ll see a bunch of IP addresses in the recorded URI string, but it’s good enough for 99% of our log data.

import os
import re
from collections import Counter

def parseApacheHTTPDLog(strLogFile):
    regexIPAddress = r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}'

    with open(strLogFile) as f:
        objLog = f.read()
        listIPAddresses = re.findall(regexIPAddress,objLog)
        counterAccessByIP = Counter(listIPAddresses)
        for strIP, iAccessCount in counterAccessByIP.items():

if __name__ == '__main__':
    strLogDirectory = '/var/log/httpd/'
    for strFileName in os.listdir(strLogDirectory):
        if strFileName.__contains__("access_log"):
        #if strFileName.__contains__("hostname.example.com") and strFileName.__contains__("access_log"):

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